The Lost Scientist

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After Morgan and Nick had been awarded the title of 'Baron' and 'Baroness' in the battle against Celestia and Luna, the twins and their escorts had left. Morgan and Nick then had challenged several different Barons and Baronesses.

It took Genevieve a lot to convince the two that it was time to hit the road. In fact, I believe that Morgan and Nick actually left because there were no more challengers for them.

The traveling was boring, with Chespin fighting either Fennekin or I. We traveled the rest of the way down Route 7, and through the Zubat Roost (Boy, did that thrill Fennekin. Not). We ended up camping on Route 8, because none of us wanted to keep traveling in the dark. We, thankfully, had no more run- ins with the wild Pokemon. When we woke, we ate, packed up, and promptly started walking again. Which was what we were still doing.

"Why do we do so much walking?" Chespin complained.

"It wouldn't be as bad if you didn't complain as much," I replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chespin snapped.

"It means we're all tired, and you never here us complaining, which means you shouldn't," Fennekin answered.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" Chespin growled.

"Keep your mouth shut," Fennekin responded.

"Speak for yourself," Chespin grumbled.

"I am speaking for myself, in case you haven't noticed," Fennekin retorted.

"That's not what I meant!" Chespin exclaimed.

"Then what did you mean?" I inquired.

Chespin blinked, clearly not knowing how to reply. He was saved, however, when Morgan called, "Chespin! I want to catch that Pokemon!" She then raced of the path. Chespin followed.

"Finally, some quite," Conner sighed. Nick and Genevieve had both stopped and watched at Morgan rushed off to catch a new Pokemon.

"Should we wait for her?" Nick asked.

"That would probably be the best idea," Genevieve agreed.

Conner, Fennekin, and I sighed in relief, sitting down on the ground. I laid back and admired the fluffy, white clouds for a while.

"Rest is nice," Fennekin sighed, "And no Chespin anywhere near-"

"Miss me?" Chespin questioned as he leapt out the tall grass surrounding the path.

"I spoke to soon," Fennekin pouted.

Morgan emerged from the grass just behind Chespin. Genevieve and Nick both walked over to her.

"Did you catch that Pokemon?" Genevieve inquired.

"Yep" Morgan replied, proudly holding up a Pokeball.

"Cool," Nick stated, "Which Pokemon is it?"

"You'll have to find out," Morgan answered, smiling as she attached the Pokeball to her Pokeball belt.

"Alright, I guess that means our break's over," Conner noted, "Back to walking."

"What? I don't wanna walk!" Chespin whined, flopping to the ground.

"Well, too bad, because you had better believe I'm not carrying you," I replied.

"Neither am I," Fennekin added.

Chespin looked hopefully at Conner.

"Hey, don't look at me!" Conner exclaimed, backing up, "You have feet; you can walk like the rest of us."

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