part 3.

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He had to get out as soon as possible. Even tho he does not feel the pain now but even he wasnt sure if he feels pain or not, but who wants to risk it? Plus: he didnt want to became a little experiement puppet that they could throw around and see how he would react!

After a while there was a plan:at night he would jump out the window, he doesnt feel pain as long as he knows. He got up and stared down on the far away ground, maybe he wont feel the pain but what if his bones brakes? That would be uncomfortable. Then he noticed something else, his bones?... They werent there? Or atleast his bones werent there. Instead, it was replaced with some solid, black, thick thing. This is probably why his skin started to rip:it didnt fit in his body. How disgusting!

-Well... Here we go- he said to himself before jumping from his window. He landed and surprisingly he wasnt harmed, wich is pretty weird since he jumped from fairly high. At that hight a normal person's bones would break easily.
-Now what?...- he wanted to go home, but... He wasnt sure what would his parents think, but he was sure they would be happy! He walked, luckly no one were there on the streets. He arrived, he stood infront of their door. Then he knocked. At first no one answered then he knocked again and this is when his father answered. His reaction were... Not expected. Instead of being confused or even mad, he just started screaming?...
-JESUS CHRIST GET AWAY YOU FREAK!- Jácint were confused, what the hell is wrong with his father? Then, the man pulled out a gun from the nearby shelf he kept his guns.
-GET AWAY OR ILL SHOOT!- Jácint next to confusion, ran away, untill his legs couldnt take him longer. Thats when he saw his reflection in one of the store's window. His face... It wasnt the same, he did notice that his hair started to turn black but his face... It was in so many ways wrong. His small, button nose were now a long croocked one, his eyes were weird to say the least. It was positioned to look like he was always said, even his eyebrows. It made sense why his father didnt recognise him.

He looked at himself terrified, and thats when he was someone's reflection far behind him. He turned around and it was one of his old classmate, Jazmin. At this point his classmates didnt hear about him for 2-3 months now. Its not like she would recognise him anyway. But something popped inside his head. She was crazy about amything paranormal, maybe she could help, maybe?

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