How To Fluster Them

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ᐧ You can literally do anything and Shigeo will be instantly flustered

ᐧ He just thinks you’re that adorable 😊


ᐧ Compliment his work or try a few flirty lines, and he’ll be down bad

ᐧ Maybe even a little peck on the lips or cheek should do the trick 😉


ᐧ Hugs fluster this man. Any kind of hug

ᐧ As soon as he feels your arms wrap around him, he’ll instantly malfunction– aka “Ritsu.exe has stopped working”


ᐧ It takes a lot for him to fluster entirely. He progressively gets more flustered the more cutely you behave

ᐧ Innocence and affection are what get him the most, so make sure to blend those two ingredients together for the perfect Flustered Boyfriend Special™


ᐧ He’s a tough one to crack as well, but he has a weak spot

ᐧ Receiving gifts from you. It makes him feel special 🤭

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