The Perfect Gift (Shigeo)

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Pairing: Shigeo Kageyama x Reader

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

Extra: Italics in the texting section are your texts, and the Bolds are Shigeo's texts

Shigeo's POV

Christmas Day is approaching and I still don't have a gift for Y/n! This is horrible! Y/n is my girlfriend and I need to let her know that she's special to me. Everything she's done for me matters deep down in my heart, but I can't even express that right.

I glance down at my flip phone and check the time.

4:30 pm.

I have to be home by 6:00. That means I only have an hour and a half to go out shopping for Y/n. There's only one thing to do.

I have to call up Y/n's best friend.

Time Skip To: 4:50 pm

"Hey, Kageyama!" Teruki Hanazawa beckons for me to approach him.

"Hi there, Hanazawa," I greet him.

"Why'd you call me over here on such short notice? Is everything alright?" Teruki asks.

"I need some help shopping," I admitted. "Christmas is coming and I still don't have a gift for Y/n. I figured you'd know her better since you're her childhood friend."

Teruki's eyes lit up with eager excitement. "Why didn't you just say so? I'd be happy to help!"

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

Teruki patted my back. "Of course, man! I'd do anything for Y/n. She's really cool."

"Thank you, Hanazawa."

Teruki than led the way. "C'mon, I know the perfect place!"

Teruki had taken me to a store that girls usually shopped at. It was filled to the brim with stuffed toys, cute clothes, jewelry, and many other sparkly items.

"Are you sure we should be here?" I mumbled. "Everyone here is staring at us funny..."

"Nah, don't take notice of them," Teruki dismissed. "They just don't understand our crucial situation. We'll be out of here in no time, so there's no need to worry."

Time Skip

Teruki was so wrong. We've been stuck in the same store for a while and it's now 5:30.

The biggest problem was that every item at this store reminds me of Y/n, and I'm having trouble picking just one. I'm so hopeless that I don't know what to do with myself!

"Hey, Kageyama, are you feeling alright?" Hanazawa fretted. He set his hand on my shoulder.

I shake my head. "I just don't know which one is the right one."

Why is my voice so shaky right now? I can't allow myself to get worked up over this, I think.

Teruki then swings his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. "It's alright, man. There's no need to worry too much about this. Y/n's very special to you right?"

I nod.

"Well, Y/n feels the same way about you too. She told me herself." Teruki continues. I could feel myself blushing bright red. "She'll appreciate anything you give her, no matter how big or how small. Just trust your gut and it'll help you pick out the right thing."

I smile softly at Teruki. "Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate it."

"Don't sweat it. I'm just helping out a friend." Teruki let me go. "Now, onto finding the right gift! I'm sure you'll figure it out before six."

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