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Nika | June 5th, 2024

"Stop making fuck me eyes at her," Paige nudged me, a smirk on her face. My heart dropped at the comment, defences coming up immediately as I replaced the shock on my face with a scowl.

"What?! I'm not making any kind of eyes—"

"You so are," she interrupted. I opened my mouth again to protest, but was cut off by Violet's laugh sounding from across the room. Her head was thrown back, exposing her neck to my sightline. We were currently out for dinner at a relatively expensive restaurant, so everyone was dressed up. Violet was wearing a dark green tank top with a straight neckline, exposing lots of skin, and black dress pants. I glared at her.

I couldn't keep my eyes off her, and it was pissing me off.

"You're doing it again," Paige muttered.

"Shut the fuck up."

I guess Violet must have heard this, because she finally glanced up and looked at me. I don't know why I spent so much time looking at her just to look away when she saw me, but as soon as her eyes landed on mine I looked away, trying to pretend her gaze didn't burn.

Paige's attention was drawn to Ice and KK, who were on her other side. KK was reading the menu, unsure of what to get, while Ice was finding something to pick on for each food she listed. Paige separated them like they were two kids fighting, then sent a glance across the table to Azzi, who just shook her head fondly.

They acted like some odd little family.

Eventually we ordered and our food came. Mine wasn't particularly good. I mean, it tasted fine, it was just the fact that I was eating it while feeling so shitty. I didn't eat much, just instead stared at Violet, and eventually when she caught me one too many times, down at my plate.

I didn't get her. She was sat there having the time of her life between Azzi, who made her laugh constantly, and Morgan, who looked at her like she ran the world. Meanwhile I was across the table, miserable. How could she be this close to me and think about anything other than that kiss?

I dropped my fork, lost in thought, and it clattered loudly against the plate. I made a half-assed apologetic face before setting it neatly on the plate. I was about to go for a sip of water when I felt a sharp kick to my shin, leaving me wincing at the dinner table. I glanced up, assuming it was Paige, when I locked eyes with Violet.

"I'm going to the bathroom," she said in a strained tone. What? I was so confused; why did she need my attention to announce her departure from the table? Why did she kick me?

As she stood up, she widened her eyes and jerked her head in the direction of the restrooms, her focus trained on me. She wanted me to go to the bathroom with her? What the hell.

"Uh, me too," I said lamely, getting up clumsily and following after her to the bathroom. When I reached the women's door, it became apparent that it was a single room; I knocked awkwardly.

She opened the door and glanced around before grabbing my wrist, dragging me in and locking the door behind me. My stomach fell into my ass as she shoved me backwards into the door, pinning me in place with her stare. A positive sort of anticipation rose within me, almost like excitement. "What is going on?!" She demanded.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me!"

"You're the one who kicked me and summoned me into this tiny ass bathroom with you!" I fired back.

"You've been staring daggers at me all night long, except for when you notice that I've caught you, when you switch your target to your poor ravioli that you've barely touched. Even Paige and Caroline can't get you to break. So, tell me, what the hell is going on with you?" She reiterated, anger clear in her tone.

IMGONNAGETYOUBACK - NIKA MÜHLWhere stories live. Discover now