She paints a pretty picture,
But this story has a twist...
Her razor is her paintbrush,
And her canvas a wrist...
I'll draw you a picture
I'll draw it with a twist
I'll draw it with a razor
I'll draw it on my wrist
If I doit correctly
A red fountain will appear
To take away my pain
And wash away my fear
The razor smiled at the pale wrist,
The wrist said: "let me smile for you..."
The kissed to open the skin and then said:"Now you're smiling too..."
Suicide, suicide wishing I were dead,
Suicide, suicide deep in my head,
Suicide, suicide cutting my wrists,
Suicide, suicide I am so done with this.
Two days, two days let until I die,
Two days, two day till the last tear I’ll cry,
Two days, two days until I am all gone,
Two days, two days till the dark breaks the dawn.
Suicide, suicide deep inside my head,
Suicide, suicide now I am almost dead,
Suicide, suicide turn out the lights,
Suicide, Suicide goodbye and goodnight.
Now that u read all the above, listen to me , first of all wrists are for bracelets not for cutting, second of all, don't try suicide, because the people who bullied u or the things that are bothering are not worth that u die for them, and when u try suicide u'll be thinking about those people and things, think about people who care think about ur friends and family, think about this account that I made to show u that I support u, think about me, I care, it really hurts to hear on the news that someone has killed him/her self, what will ur friends do if u die? what about ur family?If ur gonna tell me they'll be better off without u, then ur wrong, think about all these happy moments u had together, the countless christmas eves u've spent together, the presents they gave u, think about ME and this account, think about what i've told.Please, the bullies are not worth dying over. . .
~Mystery Girl