Chapter 20: The Demon King's Bride in a veil

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(Shizutani's POV)

" White veil that uncovers the concealed fate"

" White dress that remains clean, representing a pure soul"

"Pale complexion that shines bright in this dark alley, Like a divine being from heaven "

As I wake up from some kind of alley, the atmosphere is terrifying, even the citizens or the people living there have bizarre features. Like the hell or underground rather than a peaceful city or town, homed by the demons tribe. As I look at myself from the broken shards of glasses, I was dumbfounded to see myself wearing white from head to toe. A white veil that covers my entire face, that kept me from wondering how did I get here. I can see the bizarre demon citizens looking at me, Like I was some kind of angel. Even I was dumbfounded by that fact, queries bombarded my mind.

Two demons arrived and assisted me to some kind of place, more like a palace. I couldn't help but feel terrified by their appearance, It was quite confusing on how gentle the demons guide to the palace. Maybe I was overthinking by the fact, that demons are bad, nor some of them might have a heart of gold. Eyes filled with fear and curiosity, begging the demons to let me free from their grip. They didn't seem to understand me, looking directly in my shivering soul. Trembling like an earthquake, feeling extremely petrified by them.

They may have a gentle grip but their faces has something that brought terror inside of me. Demons are said to be sadistic and has a peculiar demeanor. Demons tend to cover their victims with the scent and experience extreme torture or terror, making them shiver to their cores. Binding them to the midst of horror, crashing the hopes of being free from their brutal tortures. The demons then stopped halfway through a place , making me curious about it. We went inside the house nearby the dark alley we just passed by, that house seems familiar to me like i've been there before. The lacey veil revealed a handsome demon man, making me curious about his identity and his intentions to me.

The 2 demons that assisted me, slowly walks away from me , gently letting go of both my hands. The demons then left the house without any traces, the demon man and I we're left alone in that house. Silence filled the house, making the both of us feeling awkward. I didn't want to be rude, so I started talking like his a friend of mine. " How did you know me?" I uttered, facing towards him. " I have known you since we we're still young" the demon man answered. That answer made me even more curious about him, queries bombarded my mind like flood. "What's your name by the way?" I uttered, making a question face. " Diezlavado Torze Flameria" also known as the demon king " the demon man answered.

That answer created tons of query in my mind, thinking that I'm familiar with his name too. This whole place was also familiar to me , like we actually shared a memory together. But that memory seems quite blurry, making my head feel excruciating pain. Feeling nauseous and slowly collapsing to the ground, but the man held me tightly before I completely fell to the ground. Moments later , I felt those strong hands carrying me like a princess, until we finally reached our final destination. I was placed in a pink fluffy princess bed, like he actually knows me better than anybody else. I feel comfortable lying on the bed, until I finally dozed off.

Those strong hands gently caresses my face, probably because we knew each other or maybe something deeper is hidden beyond his kindness towards me. I didn't expect that demons could actually be friendly and caring towards others, unlike the demons from the books I have red before. This man created multiple reasons for me to dig deeper beneath his facade or something else, The man stayed by my side as I was sleeping peacefully on the bed. Not knowing that i'm plotting something else in mind, I know it maybe a bad idea to fool that kind heart, but I don't think it's all true. There must be a reason behind his kindness, that might be terrifying to even see for myself.

That warmth in his hands feels comforting, like it's stopping me from doing my plan. Moments later, I finally woke up from my sleep ,while that man is still beside me, Staring at his sleeping face so innocent like an angel from heaven, with a high bridge nose, sculpted jawline, fair skin, and his red plump lips. His majestic beauty blinded me, creating an illusion in my mind, romantic scene that has a couple in it, which was the man and I. I didn't expect to be starstrucked by him, His indeed handsome as a painting. His heavenly features are too unrealistic, more like a painting that came out straight from this world. The fact that I wanted to implement my plan, chances are quite low , as girls have soft hearts to do something that concerns manipulating someone.

All I can do was observed the man sleeping peacefully beside me, until my head starts to feel excruciating pain again. This time, the pain is more stronger, making me feel like my head would crack open. The man sleeping beside me suddenly woke up , as he heard me screaming from the pain in my head. He slowly hugged me as a comfort, while I feel the pain slowly fading away. "Evangelique-ojou your safe now, the man uttered, That name rings a bell in my brain, making me cry on the process. I hugged him back as a response, producing a bit of tension between us.

Diezlavado slowly pulled me even closer to him, making me feel the heat of his body. His scent occupied my nose, drowning me in his pleasant fragrance. Both our face turned flush red, seeing how embarrassed we both are. We gently look opposite from each other, to extinguish the flare of our emotions. As we look away from each other, we parted ways from our original sitting positions earlier. The awkward feeling rises as we look at each other again, this tingling sensation made the both of us turned red like tomatoes.

Diezlavado suddenly felt an urge of hunger, he slowly walks towards me, he gently pulled me closer to him, gently arranging my loose golden yellow hair to the other side of my shoulder, revealing my slender neck .
He aim for my neck and put his hands and lips to suck it, I felt like im losing my consciousness in the process. The blood on my neck keeps flowing out in his mouth and teeth, that feels like sharp fangs, at that moment I knew he was not an ordinary demon. He buried his fangs on my skin, creating red bite marks to it. It felt terrifying to witness how he sucks my blood, like it's an obsession of his, rather a thousand year old wine that can bring out his alternative personality.

I couldn't resist in his strong grip against my neck and waist, his strength can't be compared to others. It could break a single bone to those person or people who tries to stop him, tears flows down to my eyes. I screamed for help, but no one can hear me, It felt like my luck run out and this is how my life would end.

Will Shizutani still know what her true identity was or would she still remember her miserable past???

What is his relationship with Diezlavado and Why did he suck Shizutani's blood???

This is your lovely writer YukinoNekoyama0026❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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