Chapter 14: The Collision

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(Erihara's POV)

" As a car crashes, the blood rushes"

" Colliding with a someone, familiar to everyone"

Indeed our family members are quite acting peculiar, Even Narumose seems to know something about it. Shizutani came out of her room paler than her usual complexion, Even her actions are quite peculiar too. As I entered her bedroom which was widely open at the moment, I saw a strange shadow like figure suddenly disappearing like a bubble. It has a blood like scent coming from my little sister's bedroom, My blood rushes from my head that was caused by my curiosity. It felt like someone came here before me, that someone might be the cause of my little sister's peculiar behavior towards us today. I really don't want to see my little sister in this way , so i tried to talk to her about it. "Shizu-chan , are you okay??" I uttered, She didn't respond to my query.

She continued shivering, like someone or something was behind her. My little sister's eyes begins dripping out blood for unknown reasons, I was flabbergasted and don't know what to do. I was so terrified by my little sister's situation, I couldn't think straight. I didn't even called our mother even if she's still inside our mansion. As i tried to call for help , but some kind of dark force stops me from doing so. My vision suddenly blurs, until my whole body collapses to the ground. The people inside our mansion became speechless, the atmosphere became quiet.

A vision suddenly appeared on my mind , a pool of blood splattered on the road, thousand corpses scattered, each specific organs are missing gushing out from each corpses i saw, bloody vehicles crowded the street, that doesn't have people driving inside it , making another gruesome scene from an unexplainable scenario, from a thriller movie. I even saw the faces of our family members lifeless in my vision, A terrifying vision that could be a caution for that certain event to become a painful reality. As i woke up from seeing that vision, things started to become more eccentric around the mansion. I couldn't explain with words that vision that I saw today, I can only quiver at that time of today. The murky vision might be something that could happen in any minute of the day, something that could literally make me feel depressed and commit suicide. A piece of something that might be the key to unlock the world of the unknown, a puzzle to be solve by someone none other than me. This vision made me feel observant and cautious in everything I do, the decisions and actions I make might be the key to my family's downfall . Even worst than what I've been through all this years, A hurdle that can either make me strong or make me fall deeper to the world of unknown.

What do you think is the vision implying to Erihara???

This is your lovely writer YukinoNekoyama0026❤❤❤

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