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Something was definitely wrong.

The portal was lasting a lot longer than it should have just to get downstairs. Seungmin noticed too and cursed before letting go of my hand and pulling out of me so he could snap frantically to get us clean and clothed. We were definitely not headed where he had expected us to.

We popped out, and he gripped my hand anxiously right away, unwilling to be apart. It didn't take long for me to realize that we were back in front of the King in his throne room. The ornate red and gold carpet was hard to miss...as was the large golden throne behind him. The room was vast, with tall stained-glass windows casting multi-colored reflections on the marble floor. Torches lined the walls, flickering in the dim light and casting shadows to the room's ominous atmosphere. Grand tapestries depicting various fairy battles and conquests hung alongside them.

Seungmin tried to stand tall and proud, as a prince should, but it was obvious he was nervous. I nearly forgot why until I felt my wings behind me.

"What have you done?" the King roared immediately. His voice boomed and echoed in the stone room, and it took all of my strength not to cower at his feet and grovel for forgiveness for becoming a fairy. His eyes, a stormy blue, seemed to darken with every syllable, his fury terrifying me to my core.

"She wanted to feel the mating bond," Seungmin lied. "You've never been mated so you don't understand how difficult it is to live with only half of the bond fulfilled."

His father's face grew so angry that it was as if steam was blowing from his ears. His wings flared out behind him, casting a large shadow that swallowed the golden throne. His clenched fists trembled with barely contained rage.

"You have jeopardized the future of our race for your own selfish desires!" he spat, his voice dripping with venom. His glare was so intense it felt like it could bore holes into us. "You were supposed to protect our kind, not weaken it!"

He snapped his fingers, and I flinched, expecting a lethal blow. Instead, we both ended up caged. Glass, cold and unyielding, surrounded us. The cage was enchanted just like the others had been; I could feel its magic humming, suppressing any attempt to use our powers.

"I now know how little you care for your people, Seungmin. You and your...mate," he sneered, "will pay the price for this treachery."

Seungmin tried to reason with him, "Father, please, you don't understand. We can still help the kingdom. This bond—"

"Silence! I am no longer your father, for you are no son of mine," the King declared, his voice shaking the very foundation of the room. "You have betrayed your duty as a prince to this realm. The punishment for treason...is death."

My heart stopped. Death? I looked at Seungmin, his face pale but resolute. He squeezed my hand, trying to offer comfort even in the face of his own end.

The King raised his hand to deliver the final verdict, to strike us down together when his eyes widened in realization. He stared at me, his gaze boring into my very soul. "You're pregnant," he stated, his voice a mix of shock and rage.

I looked at Seungmin, equally surprised. Pregnant? I hadn't even thought it possible so soon...

The King lowered his hand, his face contorted with a strange mixture of emotions as he probed at a spot on my cheek, observing it carefully. "I can't kill you now, not with the potential for a new heir for the first time in decades."

He turned to his guards. "Release them," he ordered with a heavy sigh, "but mark them as traitors." The guards hesitated before approaching us. Seungmin flashed an explanation in my mind. He'd known them...he'd grown up with them. They didn't want to hurt us.

We were released from the cages, and I considered trying to flee or using my powers. I mentally asked Seungmin if we should, but he shook his head.

The King is too powerful.

"These marks will serve as a reminder of your betrayal," the King explained coldly. "You are to return to your home and await further orders. As criminals who have attempted to steal the future of the fairy race, your palms will bear the mark of your crime, just as we do with common thieves."

Seungmin and I exchanged a look of horror. The King's words echoed in the room, emphasizing the gravity of our actions and the permanent reminder of our treachery.

The process of marking began excruciatingly. The guards approached us with long iron rods, their tips glowing red from the fire magic within them. They grabbed my hand first, their grip unyielding. I tried to pull away, but their strength was overwhelming. They forced my palm open and pressed the burning metal into my skin.

The pain was unlike anything I had ever felt before. It shot up my arm and into my chest, stealing my breath away and leaving me gasping. I clenched my teeth, refusing to give the King the satisfaction of hearing me scream, but tears streamed down my face.

Seungmin had watched, his eyes filled with helpless fury and desperation to end my pain. When it was his turn, he didn't flinch. He met my gaze, his expression one of determination and love. The guard pressed the brand into his palm, and I saw the muscles in his jaw tighten, but he remained silent.

Once the branding was complete, we were snapped back to our house, the marks on our palms still burning. Seungmin held me close, his face a mixture of relief and sorrow. I sobbed into his chest in pain now that the King couldn't hear.

"We'll get through this," he whispered, kissing my forehead. "I promise, Aerin, we'll find a way."

I nodded, still in shock.

Seungmin kissed my cheek before pulling away to look at me, his eyes wide with awe. "I can't believe I didn't notice it before." He stroked the mark the King had seen and flashed an image of it to my mind. The little diamond sparkled an icy blue and sat on my cheek like a freckle.  "It's a mark of pregnancy among fairies," he explained softly. "I've never even seen one in real life before."

I felt a strange mix of emotions—fear, joy, and a deep sense of responsibility. I was carrying Seungmin's child...the heir to the fairy throne...even if his dad had disowned Seungmin he still considered this child to be a future king or queen. The realization hit me with the force of a tidal wave.

"We'll be okay," Seungmin whispered, squeezing my hand gently. He could sense my worries even if my mind was holding them back.

"What do we do now?" I asked, cuddling into his warm embrace.

"Leave," he spoke. "Go somewhere far away where he can't find us."

I pulled away, looking at him, seeing him for the intensely good fairy he was. "I know just the place."

All That Shimmers [Seungmin]Where stories live. Discover now