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"We need to help them!" I shouted, reaching for the door.

The woman pulled me back to stop me from doing so. "The minute the door opens, the King is going to portal you to the throne room."

"My mother is out there. I'm not going to sit by and let her get killed," I argued. "I'll take my chances."

"I know," she uttered. "I'll do my best to keep her safe for you."

She released me and I pressed my palm against the glass. The second the door was unsuctioned, we were portaled away just as she'd predicted.

That shouldn't have worked, Seungmin thought.

What shouldn't have worked? I asked.

He didn't get a chance to answer as we were now standing in front of the King. I reached for Seungmin's hand anxiously.

The King didn't look angry with us as I would've expected him to. Instead, he slapped Seungmin on the back with a jovial expression. "That a boy," he cheered. "I knew you had to be good for something!"

Seungmin and I both stared at him, confused as to what he was talking about. I knew Seungmin would never willingly help his father. I knew whatever came out of his mouth next would make Seungmin feel guilty even if he'd had no part in it.

"We tracked you. Used our shared DNA to follow you," he explained with a sinister smile.

"Blood Magic is forbidden..." Seungmin gasped.

"Nothing is off limits to me," the King glared.

Seungmin's face grew pale at the realization that whatever happened to those in the hive was because he'd gone to try to help them.

"Not sure where you disappeared to at night or how that was even possible, but we followed you all the way to the hive. You disappeared for a bit at the end there, but we knew what you'd discovered." His expression became one of a cheshire grin that made me shudder.

It's not your fault, I told Seungmin. I knew he needed to hear it more than anything.

"And soon I'll have plenty of hybrids to help drain the lake."

"She won't tell you where it is," Seungmin reminded him.

"Yes. She will," he snapped and Seungmin was put into yet another cage.

He looked so scared and I turned to his father, glaring at him. "Let him out," I shouted.

He just laughed at my pleas which made me even angrier.

"Let him out!" I shouted again, tossing a fireball in his direction. It's not like he could retaliate against me anyway. I was carrying a life he wanted too badly.

"I can't hurt you," he chuckled. "But I can hurt him." He lowered his eyes in Seungmin's direction. He snapped and the inside of the box lit up in flames. Seungmin cried out in pain, and I rushed towards it, banging on the glass.

"Seungmin!" I gasped. He continued to scream in agony, and I could do nothing but watch. "Let him out!" I cried again. "Seungmin can you hear me?"

The flames suddenly disappeared, and he was left in a fetal position on the ground, completely unharmed. He looked around in shock, feeling phantom burns on his skin.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

He was shaking but nodded his head hesitantly, unsure of how it could've felt so real. I had no idea how he even managed to get magic in the box, but it seemed his father had delved into a magic darker than the rest of us had access to.

"So," the King chuckled. "Are you ready to show my hybrids the lake?"

"If I do..." I sighed.


"...you have to let him go," I bargained, ignoring Seungmin.

The King extended his hand. "I'll send three hybrids with you to be shown the location. Once they each bring back a sample that works, I'll let him go."

Aerin, don't. I'm not worth more than every human.

I took a deep breath and reached for his hand. "We have a deal."

We'll figure something out. But I'm not leaving you in that box forever.

I walked back over to the box, leaning my head against it where Seungmin's shoulder was while the King paced back and forth mumbling to himself as he decided what three hybrids should join me.

Maybe you can convince them not to share drain the water, Seungmin suggested.

Then he'll just keep torturing you and bringing us back here. We need a long-term solution.

As I said it, I realized there was only one solution. My mouth went dry at the thought of it.

If I were dead they wouldn't know where it is...

Don't even say that.

You were ready to die. Ready to be tortured because your life isn't worth more than all humans? Why should mine be?


What if it's the only way?

It's not.

How do you know? I argued.

Because it can't be.

I turned to look at him. Seungmin had a few tears falling down his cheeks. His eyes were closed, and his shoulders vibrated with every shaky breath.

I love you, Seungmin, I told him.

I love you too.

But if I have to die to save everyone else, I will.

Seungmin sucked in a sharp breath. I know you will. But I don't want you to.

I placed my hand against the glass, wishing I could hold him. I'm sorry.

At least try to figure something else out first.

I will.

The King suddenly snapped and three hybrids appeared in front of us. They were all extremely tall and fit men with bald heads.

They may be training for the King's Guard, but you're a full fairy. You could still beat them. You could fly away.

The three of them bowed to the King right away and in unison. I realized that convincing them to join my side of withholding the lake was out of the question.

"You will all accompany her to the lake. You will each fill a vial," he explained as he passed them out. "And you will return with it filled with water."

"Yes sir!" they all barked in unison.

"Aerin," the King motioned for me to join them. I stood and walked over right away, not wanting to cause Seungmin any more trouble. He lowered his eyes at me. "If you try anything, it won't be phantom fire that Seungmin feels next time. Understand?"

I gulped and nodded.

"Get on your way then."

I turned and glanced at Seungmin once more.

I'll try to find another way, I told him.

I love...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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