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You put a spell on me. You knew it. But I never knew it.

I thought we were friends. Good perfect friends but it was a lie.

I thought I could trust you but I was wrong.

I thought I could rely on you but I was wrong.

You betrayed me. You played me.

And Now I hate this!

" Taehyung.....? " Jungkook hummed elder's name gazing at him, slowly swinging in the swing chair in the corner of the room while Taehyung sat on the couch near him reading a book with specks handing on his nose..

? " Jungkook hummed elder's name gazing at him, slowly swinging in the swing chair in the corner of the room while Taehyung sat on the couch near him reading a book with specks handing on his nose

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" Yes , my dear." Taehyung asked keeping the book aside, focusing his flawless face at the younger.

" Where is J-hope hyung and your brother? " He asked keeping his hands under his chin laying on his stomach.

" Why do you ask? " Taehyung questioned leaning in his seat looking at Jungkook with soft and amused eyes.

" No reason. Just curious. They always suddenly come and go. "

" Well, Hyung was in Korea but is coming here today due to some reason and about the other....he went to new York due to some business work." Jungkook nodded swinging himself and then with a boring expression he huffed at Taehyung.

Billionaire chuckled removing his specks and asked " Bored? " 

Jungkook hesitated with a shook of head but he clearly saw that Taehyung knew that he was getting bored. " Do you wanna go somewhere? " 

" Where are you going to take me? " 

" hmm.... maybe som--"
" Taehyung , Hyung is angry after knowing about Jun----"

" ONE SHOULD KNOCK __ before entering , Jimin." Taehyung said in a not so pleasant manner starting from high pitch then taking a break to lower his voice because he had startled younger.

" Oh! Hi Jungkook." Jimin said , a little nervous as if he was about to ruin something, then he sighed and gazed at Taehyung.

" frère sait à propost lui et est en colère contre toi " Jimin said something in a very different language making Jungkook frown. He saw the way Jimin was desperate to speak and that's why his words were tensed too.

 " il le fait déjà "  Taehyung said calmly but Jungkook was surprised. That deep , velvety voice spoke whatever it was. Yet it was so beautiful that Jungkook could listen to him non-stop. 

Vous ne comprenez pas ! " Jimin exclaimed with an annoyed frown. 

Il vous exposera ! " Whereas Jimin was angry and frustrated, Taehyung was quite calm which made Jungkook more excited and confused but he kept on sitting silently , not wanting to disturb them.

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