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I am scared now. Scared that you will hate me for who I am. I kept this mask on my face for the entire world in which you came too. But it was all past.

Now you are not one of the people from the world now you are my world and that's why I want to show you my reality. My truth; what I am.

But I am scared... scared of being all alone again. I don't want to lose you. No. I can't lose you. I can never stay without you after this.

Not when my heart is not mine anymore. Not when I live for you. Not when my soul belongs to you and only you.

" Hey Jungkook! " a voice exclaimed happily as Jungkook walked out of his house to the car.

" Jimin!?" Jungkook exclaimed back with wide eyes and rushed to him in surprise.

The interior designer was standing while supporting his figure with the car lazily.

The interior designer was standing while supporting his figure with the car lazily

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" What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked giving the man-to-man hug to Jimin.

" Nothing special. Enjoying my holidays." Jimin said smiling at the younger.

" Here? " Jungkook questioned because Jimin was in Paris for his holidays.

" Yes." Jimin said and looked at Taehyung who walked to them with his hands in his pockets before he spoke " He is a liar, Dear Jungkook. " Taehyung said but the words somehow made Jungkook feel a bloom of warmth in his chest.

What was that?

" Huh?" The youngest asked.

" Have you ever seen any CEO on holidays? " Taehyung asked getting an elbow in his stomach from Jimin but it didn't do anything to that man at all.

" what? You are a CEO?" Jungkook questioned.

" hmm..." Jimin said , giving a side eye glare to his younger cousin.

" which company.....I mean...I didn't know about you at all...so which one?" Jungkook asked because he had met Jimin for the first time and didn't get to know a lot about him when they were together for only few hours.

" Lets get inside so that we can talk for hours." Taehyung ordered before opening the door for Jungkook who sat down followed by Taehyung beside him while Jimin went at the passenger seat.

" Stop near The Black muffin Restaurant. " Taehyung said as the driver drove the car after nodding and mumbling a 'yes boss'.

" So...where are we going?" Jungkook asked unclear.

" My house. " Taehyung stated strenly before bringing out his phone from the coat.

Jungkook hummed and asked " how long will it take?"

" Almost 6 hours." Jimin said making Jungkook gasp loudly.

" what!? And you came all the way in the car covering 6 hours just to pick me up? " Jungkook was shocked utterly.

" Only for you , dear." Taehyung smiled which made Jungkook look at him with a little different look.

" But how am I going to get back to my house then ?" Jungkook asked which made the duo look at each other.

" Did you ask?" Jimin questioned Taehyung with peculiar eyes while Jungkook frowned looking at them as they gave him weird vibes.

" Yes. " Taehyung stated.

" Did they permit?" Jimin asked again.

Taehyung gave a single nod making Jungkook's frown get deeper.

" What? What did you ask and what did who permit?" The youngest flared his nostrils when the elders gave him a slight smirk.

Both looked just so much like each other with that smirk on their face. Such a devil they were.

" First answer, I asked if you could stay at my house. And the second answer is that yes , they permitted and they are no one else but your parents." Taehyung said making Jungkook look at him with a confused face.

" when did you even ask? "

" Just after you went out of the house." Taehyung's smirk went darker as he winked at the younger.

" but-but..I no-" The man was speechless for he didn't know about anything at all.

" Stop thinking and relax. You will be staying there for few days as a part of your vacation." Jimin said at which Jungkook's reaction went more hilarious.

" Vacation? What the hell is going on? I don't get it at all! " Poor model was badly confused as the car drove while the elders spoke something in every sentence which made him confused.

" Your parents wanted you to rest for a little as you stress yourself so much and after hearing this Taehyung proposed the plan of you hanging out at his place so that you can enjoy." Jimin said glancing at the driver , suddenly turning serious.

Jungkook saw Jimin whisper something near the drivers ear before he got back to his normal , excited aura.

" But...I never told them that I want some vacation. And aren't you taking me there for work?" Jungkook's mind was hella confused from all the shit going on. He felt excitement after hearing that he was going to stay at Taehyung's place in their country but the situation was really weird.

" Oh come on man. You need a vacation and looking at your face anyone can say that you do , indeed." Taehyung called out looking at Jungkook from his phone.

" my face?" Jungkook asked looking in the mirror that hung up the car front.
" ..... what's wrong with it?" He asked rubbing his jaw and patted his cheeks.

" I got no problem. " Jungkook turned at Taehyung . " And I look more handsome than usual. No?" He drawled with a smirk.

" Ohh....hmm..really handsome. Indeed kookah!" Jimin drawled back nodding while pressing his lips , trying to hold back his laugh.

" what?" Jungkook questioned. " Don't I look handsome?.."

" more than anyone I have ever seen." Taehyung stated making Jungkook give a cheeky smile.

" I know , right." The three chuckled at the bickering and nonsense they were having but it was actually fun.

For Jungkook, he found two good friends and he was absolutely enjoying with them.

" But I have no clothes. You must have told me to pack." Jungkook said worriedly.

" Don't be bothered by that. " Taehyung said simply which made Jungkook tilt his head while staring at him.

Slowly, the car stopped in front of the restaurant. The three walked into the hotel and talked further while Jungkook at food there.

I have started to enjoy finally. My life has become happy and exciting all of a sudden but I don't care because it's fun!

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