Chapter 18 - Sleep. Over.

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After a few days of rest, Nobara's ribs had healed up enough for Shoko to clear her for full training again. A huge relief washed over you – the sleepovers could finally resume. The past few days of having Inumaki put you to sleep with his Cursed Speech were starting to feel... well, just plain weird.

Not that Inumaki ever complained, but you could see the concern etching deeper lines into his face with each passing night he tucked you in. You didn't want to get him involved any further in your mess if you could help it. Things were just simpler crashing with Nobara. You didn't have to explain anything.

As soon as you'd changed into your ultra-comfy mushroom pajamas (Yuji's gag gift after the ugly shroom keychain souvenirs Gojo dumped on everyone), your bedroom door burst open. Nobara swept in without knocking, pillow tucked under her arm and hair adorably askew.

Instead of making herself at home like usual, she announced with a devilish grin, "Get your ass up, Spices. We're going to make Fushiguro's night hell."

You matched her mischievous look, snatching up your gloriously overstuffed pillow. As partners-in-crime, the two of you set off down the hall, fuzzy slippers pattering softly like excited little gremlins.

Megumi's room was just around the corner. You led the charge, rapping sharply on his door in the most obnoxious rhythmic pattern known to mankind.

The second he pulled the door open, his eyes instantly narrowed at the sight of you two decked out in pajamas, pillows brandished like weapons.

"What's this?" He asked flatly.

Nobara barged right past him into the room. "What's it look like, genius?" She made a show of flopping across his perfectly made bed, limbs splayed impolitely. "Sleep. Over."

Megumi had been giving you and Nobara the oddest looks ever since the sleepovers started, like his brain was a computer endlessly buffering, unable to process the concept. You figured he just felt left out from all the fun. Well, if he got in on the sleepover crew, maybe he wouldn't find it so bewildering.

You wiggled your way into his room after Nobara, chirping cheerfully, "I think you could use our great company for a change!"

Megumi's eyes went wide as you boldly invaded his space. He rushed to close the door behind you, sputtering. "Absolutely not! You can't just barge in and take over my room like this!"

But it was too late – you'd already launched your pillow across the bed before flopping down next to Nobara amid the rumpled blankets. She snickered at Megumi's outrage.

"Overruled!" Nobara declared.

Megumi looked utterly flabbergasted, mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find the words to protest this unannounced slumber party invasion. Finally, he crossed his arms sternly. "You can't be serious about staying in here all night."

As you bounced on his bed, testing out the firmness, you quickly realized there may be a logistical problem with your brilliant plan. Megumi's bed simply wouldn't fit all three of you.

Seeming to reach the same conclusion at the same time, Nobara complained loudly, "Ugh, Fushiguro, your bed is way too small for this." She wrinkled her nose in distaste, as if it were his own personal failing.

"Because it's meant for one person!" Megumi shot back, his glare intensifying. "As in, just me. My bed!"

Nobara wasn't fazed. With a sly grin, she puffed out her cheeks in an exaggerated mimic of his grumpy resting face. "Or maybe it just shriveled down from being exposed to your dramatic scowling all the time?"

You collapsed in a fresh wave of giggles at her antics, nearly tumbling off the tiny bed as Megumi's cheeks burned crimson.

You had to admit, Megumi's bed situation was less than ideal for hosting a proper sleepover. The standard issue dorm beds were fine for one person, maybe even a cozy squeeze for two scrawny pals like you and Nobara. But trying to cram all three of you on there? Total clown car material.

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