With Nanami away on some super-secret, high-stakes mission, you finally had a chance to let your hair down and indulge in your latest guilty pleasure. Conspiring against those corrupt fossils on the High Council was enough to drive anyone batty. Nanami had drilled it into your head ages ago about maintaining a balanced lifestyle, and you had found a solution in the most delightfully depraved way. Well, if your newfound hobby raised a few eyebrows, so be it. You were determined to unwind.
It had all started when Nobara dumped a treasure trove of the most scandalous smut recommendations on you. At first, you were mildly concerned about the outrageous plotlines and inaccurate anatomy depictions. But there was just something so ridiculous about the over-the-top scenarios that it circled right back around to being stupidly entertaining. Reading these literary dumpster fires became your guilty vice – a way to turn off your whirring brain and enjoy some mindless fun.
And Nobara, that devious little gremlin, only fanned the flames by routinely ambushing you with the most eye-scorchingly terrible smut she could dig up. The two of you would howl with laughter at the cringe-worthy euphemisms and blatant violations of human biology. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion – you couldn't tear your eyes away from it.
As expected, Megumi refused to participate in this particular discourse. Merely bringing up the subject around him was enough to make the prim and proper guy turn green. His look of horror and disgust was priceless every single time. Yuji, on the other hand, tried to play it cool with a dismissive shrug, as if his collection of bikini model posters gave him some moral high ground over Nobara's erotic fiction.
Sprawled out on your bed, you cackled as you flipped through the latest masterpiece of word vomit that Nobara had thrust upon you. The butchered metaphors and cringe-inducing euphemisms had you wheezing with laughter. Who even came up with this stuff? Reading this was a ridiculous indulgence, but it was your trashy way of hitting the reset button and forgetting your hot mess of a life, if only for a little while.
While Nobara's recommendations provided an endless stream of entertainment, you occasionally went off the beaten path to explore the depths of this genre on your own. After all, not all smut was created equal – some made you laugh, some made you cry tears of secondhand embarrassment, and some had you questioning the mental state and sobriety of the author. More than once you found yourself thinking - Only a fellow jujutsu sorcerer could pen such deranged monstrosities.
Today, your solo expedition through the smut wilderness led you to a particular fic that instantly piqued your interest. A forbidden romance with a star-crossed lovers trope? Cliché, but it had potential. However, as you skimmed the first chapter, certain details about the male lead made your eyes widen in disbelief. Super tall and impossibly hot? Check. Distinctive silver hair? Check. Overwhelmingly powerful beyond reason? Double check. Always sporting a pair of sunglasses even indoors? Hold the hell up...
You leaned in, squinting at the all-too-familiar descriptors. This was starting to sound suspiciously like a certain someone. As you continued reading, the supposed love interest was introduced – a decade younger, cursed with a notoriously foul mouth, explosive spite, and legendary pettiness. Okay, now, the resemblance was getting downright uncanny.
A long, pained groan rumbled in your throat as the harsh realization smacked you upside the head. "Goddamn you, Miwa..." This salacious madness could only be the handiwork of that manic fangirl.
In hindsight, you should have seen this coming from a mile away. The dazed, dreamy-eyed look Miwa sported every time she laid eyes on you during the Goodwill Event was a dead giveaway. Her roving gaze would flick between you and Gojo anytime you occupied the same space, no doubt concocting elaborate fantasies of forbidden romance and tangled bedsheets. The girl's face would flush beet red as her overactive imagination spiraled into scandalous territory.

Your Life As A Tokyo Jujutsu High Background Student
FanfictionYou're a third-year student at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. You're Gojo's most spoiled third year. Not that he has many options, as your classmates have all been suspended. You're Nanami's most favorite sorcerer, united by your mutual dist...