I Shoot an Arrow Without Killing Anybody

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As the strawberry fields come into view I deeply exhale at this big change. My father instructed his driver to take me to the strawberry fields just short of camp. The driver was a bit uncomfortable just leaving me here not knowing of the camp not too far from that.

I had to walk a little distance over a hill with a large pine tree, past that a big house with a man in a tiger print Hawaiian shirt.

"Hi? I'm Y/n L/n. I was dropped off here." I explained as I took everything in. There was a wheelchair next to where the small man was sitting, and it was empty.

"(Wrong name) is here!" The man announced with no care in the world before he chugged down a can of Coca Cola.

"Okay....that's not really my name but...alright." Out of the corner of my eye a white stallion and goat walked in. At least I thought it was a horse and goat, when I looked at their top half it was b/f/n on top of the goat legs and a man with a brown beard merged into the horse.

"B/f/n? YOU'RE A GOAT?!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up to cover my mouth in awe. Even the fact she ratted me out left my head.

"I am a satyr," She explained. "And sorry about prom, if I hadn't gotten you expelled you probably wouldn't have survived long enough to graduate."

I blinked "You're a goat..."

She ignored my surprise. "Well, you're godrent can't be someone too major considering you've lasted this long in the mortal word without an attack. Possibly a child of Aphrodite or Demeter." I raised my eyebrows then Chiron spoke up.

"We've already asked one of our campers to show you around." He cleared his throat. "She should be here shortly."

As if on cue, A girl around my age walked in, she was gorgeous. Her long hair flew perfectly behind her, she had minimal makeup because obviously she didn't need it. She met my eyes and smiled at me.

"I'm Silena, daughter of Aphrodite, I'll be giving you the tour, you're very pretty." I immediately smiled and nodded.

"I'm Y/n, thanks, you too." After she looked at Chiron for permission to start, he nodded at her, and she grabbed my hand.


After the tour she brought me to the most cabin looking cabin in this whole camp. "Here's the Hermes cabin, you'll stay here until you are claimed. Hopefully we will be sisters, you've got that Aphrodite kid glow to you."

"Thank you!" My cheeks turn to a shade of soft pink as we walked through the door. Immediately my eyes met a cabin packed with kids, so much so, many had to sleep on the floor. The paint was chipped in many areas and the sun glowed through the many windows.

A certain blonde-haired boy came over. He was tall, muscular but not overwhelmingly. Let's just to say he's easy on the eyes. I noticed a scar running from the bottom of his eye to his chin, most would say it looked gruesome, but I thought it was pretty cute.

"New camper?" Luke asked, although it sounded like more of a notice. "Welcome to the Hermes cabin." He gave me a smile that would've melted any girls' knees, but I won't try to start crushing on someone on the first day.

Once Silena snapped out of her own trance she spoke.

"Oh yeah, names! Luke this is Y/n, Y/n this is...Luke."

I smiled at him. "Nice to meet you. You're quite the looker." I wasn't too shocked where the boldness came from but like I always say, you only live once...until I later learned about rebirths.

Not much to my surprise he chuckled and complimented me back. Good. Things weren't awkward.

After finding a place on the floor I put down a couple bags of clothes next to my sleeping bag before muttering under my breath, "The floor...fun."

"So how does this whole thing work?" I questioned. Luke spoke up.

"You'll stay here in the Hermes cabin until you're claimed, so for now, you're stuck with me."

I bit the inside of my cheek. "Good, so how long till I'm Claimed?"

"Oh, we don't know how long for sure. Could take a day, or a week or a month and so on." Silena chimed in.

I slouched. "Well, that's not very exciting...What if I learned some things so my mother would wanna claim me faster."

"Y/n that's not really how it-"

"It's perfect! It's better than doing nothing."

"I'm with it." Luke stated.

"Great when do we start?"


First up, sword fighting. My sword felt horrible in my hands. It felt as if I was holding a whole streetlight. It totally threw off my balance. Luke somewhat taught me or tried to teach me how to stand.

I felt his breath against my ear as he mumbled directions moving my body for me. Thank goodness he stood behind me because my face was practically maroon.

"Alright now move your leg out a little, like that." He instructed. I hummed in response; I probably couldn't form a word anyway.

He stepped away and stood in front of me. "Good enough. Okay now try to deflect my sword."

He swung at me and luckily, I deflected it, but that didn't last long. After a couple more swings the sword flew out of my hands. I cursed under my breath and a smirk grew on his face.

"You'll get better."

"No, I won't." I sighed.

"It's alright, we can try archery." Luke suggested. Silena walked up to us and grabbed my hand, leading the way.

When we got there, a girl who claimed she was a daughter of Apollo demonstrated how to use the bow first. The arrow zipped through the air and punctured itself directly in the bullseye. She no doubt was an Apollo kid. She passed me the bow and I grabbed an arrow taking a deep breath. My fingers pulled back the arrow till where it felt right, and I released my grip. The arrow cut through the air and a sharp sound came from it. With a piercing thud, the arrow landed just short of the bullseye. I took that as a win, it wasn't horrible for my first time.

When I looked not to far from me, my eyes caught Silena cheering for me and Luke with that stupid-cute smirk on his face. I smiled and playfully winked at them before setting the bow down and walking back up to them.

"How's that for a newbie?"

"Don't get cocky, beginners' luck is a thing." Luke retorted.

"Yeah, yeah what I see is talent." I shot back.

"Well maybe you've found your skill." Silena suggested encouragingly. "And maybe you'll be claimed at the campfire tonight after dinner."

I nodded hopefully and groaned "Oh, dinner sounds great right now."

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐨 𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 - Luke Castellan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now