Chapter 17

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It's been two weeks, as promised from now on, and we've got another chapter going! This one switches back to Amelia's POV with a bit of a time jump as it leads into some major events


"AMELIA BLIGHT, GET OUT HERE THIS INSTANT!" Odalia shouted from the other side of the locked door. She had already torn it down from its hinges, but there had been an extra layer of slime hiding just behind it. It was too strong for her to break through, no matter how hard she attempted.

Amelia stood on the other side of the door, terrified out of her mind. She had her hand outstretched, fingertips brushing the very edge of a shaking spell circle. Her lips were quivering, and her entire arm was trembling out of pure fear. She swallowed nothing despite her hyperventilation and said with a shaky voice, "I'll be there in a moment."

Odalia screamed out in pure frustration and tried to break the slime once again, but her hand bounced off. She winced and shook it in pain before she saw it start bubbling. She stepped back in front of the door as the slime slowly melted into a puddle on the floor. Inside, a mere foot from the door, stood a frightened girl with an arm outstretched. A girl, body heaving with each heavy breath, with panic hollowing her gaze.

Odalia stepped inside of the room, pushing aside the arm, and grabbed Amelia by her neck. Amelia's hands shot up and grabbed her mother's arm as she started to choke before she was pulled closer. Odalia glared at her daughter with a look of pure rage before she hissed, "When I tell you to come out of your room, you do not waste any of my time."

Amelia felt the hold on her neck tighten, compressing it until she couldn't find any air. She choked under her mother's grip as her body started to shake, desperately fighting for air. There was a sharp pain flaring up in her neck as her mother's nails tore through her skin and old wounds. Her mother's intense stare kept inflicting more and more fear and panic until finally, tears began to fall from her eyes.

Odalia didn't let go until she could feel Amelia's body shaking heavily from the lack of air. She tore her fingernails through her neck as she let go, and her daughter fell to her hands and knees. She scoffed and kicked Amelia as hard as she could as she muttered, "You're just a good for nothing brat and a mistake."

Amelia's agonizing cry was cut off with a fit of coughing as she gasped for air. She placed a shaky hand up to her neck and felt a bit of blood trickling down her arm, but soon dropped it back to the ground. She knew that it wasn't severe, but it still hurt just as badly as anything else she suffered from. She tried to take a deep breath, but all that came about was another fit of coughing. She heard her mother walk out of the room and say, "Get to school before I call them to send you to detention for the fourth time this week."

Amelia collapsed onto her side as her coughing fit came to an end. She lay there for a few moments, still shedding tears and trying to catch her breath. Slowly, she placed her shaky hand back to her neck. The tips of her fingers slowly trailed down the wounds, wincing with each touch. She turned her head towards the broken doorway, but it was completely empty.

Amelia curled her legs in and began to sit upright, still pressing her hand to her neck. Once she was up on her knees, she looked at the large pile of bandages she had stored underneath her bed to keep hidden from her family and began to crawl over. To relieve some of the pain, she kept her back parallel to the floor and her chest elevated off of it. She pulled herself forward and reached underneath the bed and grabbed a bundle of bandages.

Amelia pulled the bandages out and unraveled them before reaching back under and grabbing a bit of padding for the bleeding. She set the padding against her neck before she wrapped it up. As soon as she finished, she shoved the remaining padding underneath the bed and started to push herself up to her feet.

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