Chapter 8

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I did take some time to recover, so I'm dropping the chapter eight bomb and then disappearing for another two weeks because I'm not going to be somewhere I can upload another chapter next Friday

In my personal opinion, this chapter is promising in the beginning, but I feel like it's lacking somewhat at the end. The beginning was definitely the best part I got to write as well, and I really hope you guys love it

I also didn't do any last minute editing for this chapter like I did with the others, but that's because I'm also posting this on a bit of a time crunch. I'm sure everything's fine as it is though

In spite of the break I took, I've been able to squeeze in time to plan out the next few chapters. That's partially why it's lacking towards the end. You'll see why when the time comes for me to post the next few chapters


Lucia sat there on the lift as it moved towards the twenty fifth floor, breathing heavily as she neared. Her eyes showed immense panic as she heard the calls echoing from each floor, though was also trying to keep herself from breaking out into a panic attack. She was doing everything she could to not break out in a panic attack as she did what she could to heal her knee. Her hands kept on flickering, but they never glowed long enough for her to heal her knee.

Five-Five-One-Three was watching the floors before they even arrived, keeping watch over everything he could. From what he could see, nearly fifty of them had already been released, and two experiments were already dead. Nearly all of them had returned to their cells already, which lessened the blood that would be shed for the night. He winced when he sensed a third experiment being eaten alive.

Lucia finally held her healing glyph for a second, immediately pressing her hands to her knee, and felt the strength returning as the tendon healed from the dislocation. Just as she pulled her hands back, Five-Five-One-Three said, "There are thirteen on your floor. None of them are near the lift, but they're all prowling and waiting."

Lucia pushed herself away from the edge of the lift. Without even thinking about it, her hands had reached up to her horns and clutched them as she began to focus on breathing instead of focusing on what could happen. She just watched as the floors flew past as the lift neared her floor. As it began to slow down, Five-Five-One-Three reached down and grabbed her arm before he pulled her up to her feet.

Lucia held onto Five-Five-One-Three's arm tightly as the lift began to slow down. Her mind was spiraling, and the moment she felt the lift stop, she took off. Almost immediately, she could hear the snarls and eerie clicks from far ahead. From the lift she took, it was about a five minute sprint to her cell, even with her boosted agility.

Lucia huffed as she sprinted down the central hallway and could see the railing of the split up ahead. She knew most of them would be patrolling where they could see the most, but there would likely be some closer to her cell as well. "Five hundred feet."

Lucia glanced to her sides and saw the other experiments scattered throughout the cells watching her sprint past. She glanced back up towards the railing, formulating her plan as she ran. "Four hundred."

Lucia counted off the seconds until impact with the railing as she neared. She could see most of the open air just past the railing that stretched down to the other two floors where the other two thirds of cells were held. "Two fifty. Two more seconds."

Lucia leaned forward slightly as she reached back behind herself, pointed the palms of her hands straight out, and ignited the air in front of them both to add some propulsion. She bolted past the remaining cells and into the open air where she immediately heard the clicks fill the floors. "One hundred... now!"

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