a love reborn

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a handsome hunk .he has a fucking toxic gf . he is feed up now .he decided to get married .

ashi singh

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ashi singh

a kind hearted girl .her eyes shows love and care . she is married to sidd .

**Title: A Love Reborn**

**Chapter 1: The Toxic Past**

Siddarth, known as Sidd, was a successful businessman with a dark past. His relationship with Meher had started passionately but quickly turned toxic. Meher's possessiveness and manipulative behavior had worn Sidd down over time. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra, had always disapproved of Meher, seeing through her facade to the destructive force she truly was.

Sidd had tried to make it work, hoping Meher would change, but the endless arguments and her constant attempts to control him had finally pushed him to his breaking point. His parents had witnessed his struggles and decided it was time to intervene. They arranged for Sidd to marry Ashi, a sweet, kind girl from a respectable family.

**Chapter 2: A New Beginning**

Sidd was initially resistant to the idea of an arranged marriage, but after meeting Ashi, he felt a glimmer of hope. Ashi was everything Meher was not—gentle, understanding, and supportive. Despite the awkwardness of their arranged marriage, Sidd found himself drawn to her kindness and warmth.

On their wedding night, Sidd decided to be completely honest with Ashi. As they sat together in their beautifully decorated bedroom, Sidd took her hand and began to speak.

"Ashi, there's something you need to know about my past," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "I was in a relationship with a woman named Meher. It was... toxic, to say the least. My parents never liked her, and honestly, they were right. She brought out the worst in me."

Ashi listened quietly, her eyes full of empathy. "Sidd, I appreciate your honesty. We all have pasts, and it sounds like you've been through a lot. I'm here now, and we can build something new together."

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