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"I am in love with her..." I realized while lying in bed. Why did it have to be Haley... It could be anyone else and that would be great because at least they don't hate me. I'll just have to bottle up how I feel. No one needs to know.

My alarm goes off and I sit up. I had been up all night thinking about her. I groan at my stupidity.

•|8:50 am|•

I was waiting outside Pierre's stop when Haley walked up to the door trying to open the door. "It's locked..." I sigh. She glares back at me in response. That hurt more than usual... "What are you doing here?" She hisses crossing her arms. "Buying seeds..." I say. She looked very pretty today...Well, she is always pretty. I know what will happen if I try to compliment her. She'll get annoyed and say something about how she knows. "Haley...I-"

Pierre unlocks the door and Haley rushes in. Great timing Pierre...great fucking timing. I go inside and start looking at what new seeds are in stock. As I was looking Haley made her way over to where I was. Normally she would stay as far from me as possible. "Farmer I need some...help..." She looked annoyed to admit that. I blushed a bit at how cute the face she was making was. "I've been here for a year now. You can call me Y/N." I say giving her a bit of an awkward smile.

Haley just rolls her eyes in response. "So? Are you gonna help or what?"

"Are you gonna be nice about it?" I ask. If she doesn't insult me in some way it would be a miracle. "I'm always nice, Farmer. You on the other hand..." Haley looks me up and down. "You are sometimes...maybe..."

Oh wow...she said something slightly nice.

I go back to looking at the seeds. She must really hate me. "What do you need help with?" I question while picking out some parsnip seeds. "Flowers...like pretty ones? I want to grow some." She says stepping closer to me. "Well, maybe Tulips?" I handed her the pack I picked up. "They won't be as pretty as you though," I say without thinking. Both our faces turn red. "Um...well thank you?" She sounded confused. Haley takes the seeds and runs to pay for them.

After a bit, I get all the seeds I need and pay for them. "That Haley girl seems to like you," Pierre says handing me a bag with my items in it. "As if...Haley and I just don't get along. No matter how nice I am to her."

"Are you sure? She has been calling Abigail about you." He questions. Abigail is my best friend. She almost knows everything about me. Despite me only being in this town a year. "She has?"

•|One Week Later|•

I got up a bit later today. It was around noon-ish? I go out to feed my chickens but run into Haley at my front door. Her face is bright red and she is holding flowers. She has never come to my farm before...

"H-Hi..." I say feeling my face heat up. "Here!" She holds out the Tulips up to me. I take the flowers. "Oh thank you?" I smile at her and she looks away.

"I...Wanted to apologize for the other day...and for my behavior since we met." She says. This surprised me. "I am sorry."

"Don't apologize...I've probably been just as bad..." I apologize as well. "I'm sure flirting with you hasn't helped  how I look to you."  She shakes her head at me. Haley looked like she might explode. "I like it when you flirt with me!!!" She yells her voice echos through the farm. My heart skipped a beat. Not literally...but I felt something. "I...I really like it..."

I smile softly and hide behind the flowers. "You do?"

She nods.

"Well...cool..." I felt awkward. "Do you...wanna hand out? After I finish with my farm chores first though." I ask. Haley gives me a genuine smile. "Y-Yeah I would like that." Haley for the first time I have seen was flustered.

~|Years Later|~

"And that was how I met your Mama!" I say ruffling my son's hair. He smiles and runs to get Haley from the other room. He always acts like it was the first time I told him that story. "Mama! Mommy loves you!!"

I'm not the biggest fan of this...but I hope you guys like this.

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