Chapter 1: I should have studied earlier.

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I don't think anyone expects to be a demigod.

Especially not someone  who had spent the past 2 years telling her sister she was the main character. Especially not someone who had barely learned Greek mythology till she was practically forced to by her pushy, but sweet, neighbor. Especially not someone like me, well. Me.

But i'm guessing learning about it was as dangerous and the stupid books made it seem. Because standing in front of me was what I'm guessing was a real monster, unless this is one of those stupid hyper realistic dreams. At this moment I was hoping it was just that, I pinch my arm but nothing. This isn't a book or a movie though, there's no one around to help me, no syntar, no fancy pen. For some reason it still hasn't attacked me, so I scan my room. The closest thing to a weapon is the fake sword in the corner of my room that my dad gave me. The monster had long wings, they spread through a good portion of my room in front of my balcony door. I swear I locked that last night.

The monster I'm guessing got tired and lunged at me. I dodge it as it tumbles into the couch under my loft bed, I grab the stupid sword but i dont think it's going to do shit against a real monster. I take it out of the sheath and it somehow looks sharper than before. I run towards the monster and close my eyes, it dodges me swiftly and is standing in front of me. It's gotta be at least 6 feet. I try again, this time managing to cut off a wing while it attempts to fly upwards. It falls to the floor hissing at me. I stare at it before stabbing it in the heart. Well, where a human would have a heart. It turns to dust, surprisingly accurate to the books. God no one is going to fucking belive me.

I cover the stupid sword and throw it back in the corner and climb back in bed. This better, be some stupid dream because there is no, fucking,way, im dealing with the same things "Percy Jackson" went though. I go back to bed quickly and when I wake up in the morning my room looks relatively normal. I open the sword again, I groan when I see it's still sharp. Meaning, it was real. Now I'm really wishing I would have done a little more research before, or at least started reading when my sister did, not just when a cute boy starred in the show.

I've got no time to dwell though. High school doesn't stop just because I kill a monster in my room, although it really feels like it should. I debate telling my mom I'm sick, but 1, I've never faked being sick and I'm not starting today, and 2, if another flying lady wants to come into my room, I am not going to be here when that happens. My parents can deal with that, but it won't be me.

I get ready, and suddenly it feels fake. Maybe, I just imagined it all. I grab my backpack and as I remember I've got a math test today, a dream of a monster in my room feels a lot less important. The bus stop is empty when I arrive, I use that time to text Yeri, the only person I know who actually seems to enjoy my panic and insanity.

"Bro I swear to god I had the worst dream ever."

"I swear of its about one of your stupid exs again mikayla"

"Thankfully no, but it was from fucking percy jackson."

"I dont see the problem, you love those books"

"Yeah. I liked READING it, not being a character in it."

The large black bus labeled number 14 pulls up in front of the exterior of the house I'm waiting at. I walk through, looking for an empty seat, preferably in the front so that I get left alone. I sit in a row between a little girl with pigtails in front of me, and a boy with a Minecraft backpack behind.

I briefly wonder about the dream again before the bus comes to a halt. It's sharp, and makes everyone and their belongings jump up and forward slightly. I tilt my head to the side into the row and am able to see the driver struggling with the wheel. I can hear the loud engine sputtering before he grabs his phone out and makes a call. We wait 15 minutes in the bus before we are instructed to grab our belongings and move to the other bus.

I'm walking up the steps of the new bus, complete with a new driver as I look into her eyes. I'm about to thank her when they flash with the same spark the monster in my room held. I tell myself I imagine it but still go sit farther in the back this time around, keeping my distance. The bus swerves harshly as soon as we reach the death bridge, which when I moved here I was told was because it was infamous for the amount of accidents that occur in that very spot. Normally if the bus driver was the usual one, and maybe also if I didn't have a spooky dream the night before I would be fine with it. But this time it set off the alarm bells in my head. The bus continues but the bus driver comes out of the seat. Her eyes look like a reptile now, and her hands look disgustingly dry. She grabs for me, more specifically, my neck.

"What the actual fuck bro." I groan trying to move the thin dry hand from my neck. I eventually was able to get free and back her against the windows in a row of seats. I kicked the window before throwing her out and grabbing my bag moving to the back of the bus. Now, I definitely wasn't crazy. Kinda wishing I was.

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