Stuck with you

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Alvaro POV:

I was just in class listening to what the teacher was saying as I was getting a little bored so I just looked out the window instead. That's until I finally heard the teacher say who my partner was.

-"okay Alvaro and Manuel you guys are paired up to do the project, instructions are in classroom"

I was absolutely shocked and I had a disgusted expression on my face as I started yelling about why I didn't wanna be paired up as partners with Manuel, there's no fucking way the teacher thought it was a good idea.

Alvaro:"(Teachers name) YOU KNOW DAMN WELL THAT ME AND MANUEL DON'T GET ALONG?! WHY WOULD YOU PUT ME WITH THAT DICKHEAD!" (the teachers name)  was then telling me and trying to convince me about how I shouldn't care about who I'm paired up with and how I should be more worried on the project if I didn't wanna fail the class, I was absolutely pissed and tears started falling down my facebecause of anger and annoyance as I mumbled under my breath

"Fuck.. why do I have to be paired up with that dumbass.. out of everyone.." All the others were laughing and mocking me like a bunch of childish fucking idiots, I glared at Manuel for a second and saw him talking with Olivia and then we made eye contact. i don't know why but I got startled and turned away, I felt embarrassed when we made eye contact but I hope that he'll maybe think that I was just pissed at him or jealous..

Manuel's pov:

Great, I'm paired up with Alvariplaypi. It's embarrassing how he's crying already.. pfft, I don't like him but I wouldn't start throwing a stupid tantrum because I'm being paired with someone I don't like, that's just -911 aura.

"Main Edgar lmao.." I mumbled quietly as I then turned to glare at him to look at his pathetic face that was probably full of tears in a bad way of pity but I slightly jumped by the fact that he looked right at when I turned to look at him, we basically made eye contact. I then tried convincing myself that he wasn't staring at me and maybe it was something else..

"He was probably just looking at Olivia, there's no way he'd be staring at you, even if he did, it'd be out of jealousy or something."

I was gonna confront him but a strange feeling inside me was stopping me for some reason and was telling me that it wasn't worth it. We just started working on the project.

Alvaro's pov:

paired up with him is already bad but what's worse is this DUMBASS isn't even doing shit to help me finish the project, he wasn't even writing down ideas, this is gotta be some fucking joke, my day cannot possibly be fucking worse.

Alvaro:"Are you gonna fucking do something for the project  or are you just gonna sit there all day and sleep?"

Manuel's pov:

I was honestly thinking about the eye contact we did a few minutes ago before we started doing the project.. well, alvariplaypi was but, he wouldn't let me do anything either anyway, I didn't even notice as I then snapped out of it as alvariplaypi said something to me, he has an irritated and annoyed tone like always as I then turned my head to glare at him.

Manuel:"I am, i am, calm down, you don't have to be all mad and shit."

Manuel laughed as he looked back at his notebook and started writing ideas for the project.

Alvaro:"yeah MAYBE id be calm if you were actually helping me MINUTES AGO WHEN THE PROJECT INITIALLY STARTED, gilipolla .." alvaro mumbled under his breath as he turned back to the Chromebook.

Manuel:how about you STOP being a crybaby and actually stop whining for fucking once? You don't have to cry over everything, ALVARIPLAYPI

I was honestly getting tired of Alvaro trying to provoke me by insulting me and mocking me, it worked but I found it super fucking annoying. Alvaro punched me as I crumbled up a paper and threw it at him as I found it funny and started laughing, but it seems like Alvaro was feeling extra fucking emo and didn't take it too well, the rest of the class was fucking hell, we barely got any work done, it was lunchtime as everyone was leaving, the teacher stopped me and Alvariplaypi as he said..

Teacher:Alvaro and Manuel.. please come to my table for a second, I need have a talk with you two.

Me and alvariplaypi exchange disgusted glances at each other as we then went over to the teachers desk.

Teacher:"I am not gonna tolerate this kind of behavior in my classroom, I don't know what matter is with you two and your odd hate relationship, why can't you two just get along?.. you've been doing nothing but argue and argue and argue.. I don't think you guys even did any sort of work in the time I gave you guys, there's papers all over the floor because of the both of you. Now listen, if I ever catch you guys wasting time in class i will putting a negative to the two of you and writing a note to your parents from educamos. Do I make myself clear?


Alvaro:yes.. sorry

now please pick all the mess and paper you both have caused and throw it in the trash, I have to get going soon and class doesn't start until 3pm, so you both can take your time."

To be honest, I found it funny but Alvaro seemed to think the opposite, just as always. I was just picking up the trash and throwing it in the bins and then Alvariplaypi started complaining and blaming me out of nowhere not even a minute later.

-"Thanks a lot dumbass, if it weren't for you we wouldn't be here right now." I scoffed at alvariplaypis comment as I glared at him with an annoyed look as I then replied to him

Manuel:stop being so hypocritical and pushing the blame on me, you need to admit to your mistakes and not just blame it on the other person lmao, plus it was you who was getting all worked up because I was "not working" so to be honest, you should just fucking suck it up.

Alvaro's pov:

This douche really thought he fucking ate with that lame ass shit. If I wasn't paired up with him, none of this would happen. 

Alvaro:que puto tio.. I mumbled as I picked up one of the papers Whatever douchebag, go fuck yourself.

Manuel laughed just like always, never talking me seriously and finding everything just sooo funny, I decided to actually ignore him this time because I seriously do not wanna deal with this dude.

Manuel laughed just like always, never talking me seriously and finding everything just sooo funny, I decided to actually ignore him this time because I seriously do not wanna deal with this dude

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