I love you

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I get back to the nursery and I can't get over the feeling that I failed as a parent. I walk in the nursery with my head down and I see Charlotte walking through the hallway. "Hi Char." I say trying to fake a smile but I just can't. "Marjorie are you alright? What happened?" She asks concerned. At that moment I break down. "No I'm not!" I scream out of frustration and I fling my arms around Charlotte and she walks me to the office.

"Marjorie, what's going on?" She asks me as I finally calmed down a bit. "L- Lily..." I sutter but I just can't say it. I now know it had really hapened and there is nothing I can do about it. Lily has been kidnapped." Autumn says. I'm glad she did because I just couldn't bring myself to say it.

Charlotte is taken aback and hugs me even tigheter. I see her mouth moving a bit, I think she is trying to say something but is just speechless. "I whish it wasn't true what Autumn just said." I say sobbing. Charlotte lets me cry in her arms as I get myself back togheter a bit.

"Marjorie, would it help you if you just got Benny and went home with him?" Autumn asks me. "B- But what will I say about Lily?" I ask her concerned. "Just tell him she is with Ember." I nod and go home.


I look at the man in shock. "B- B- But how? Y- You were in jail!" I stammer. Roger looks at me with a dark grin. "Oh yes Lily, I'm happy to see you too! Can't we just have a nice family reunion?" He puts the plate with food down and I slam my fists on the mattres. "YOU'RE A CRIMINAL!!! YOU BELONG IN JAIL AND YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE RIGHT NOW!!" I scream in his face.

He walks out of the room and locks it whilst I burst out crying. Jamey sits next to me and strokes my back. "I'm geussing that the two of you know eachother?" He says. "H- He..." I mutter. "No, he sin't my granddad anymore! I hate him!" I scream whisper. "Lily, its alright, you're with us." Lilah says sitting down on the other side of me.

"Hey, I know this isn't the best moment to say it." Jamey says and then pauses. He turns my body so I'm looking right at him.


I hate to see Lily so sad so I thonk of something that will make her happy.  "Lily, I love you." I say and she starts crying. She looks up at me and says; "I love you too Jamey." We hug eachother and there is no more sadness in the room, just joy. I give her a small kiss on the cheeck and she kisses me on my mouth. "Awhhhh." I hear Harry and Lily go. "I didn't know you were such a softy." I chuckle and Harry turns all red. "I'm not!" He shouts and we all just laugh.


That night we were all exhausted so we layed on the mattresses to sleep. I kept tyrning and moving around because I couldn't fall asleep. I looked around ti the others and saw Jamey looking at me. "Can't fall asleep knapperd?" He asked me. "No, usually me and my father always sing a lullaby I made that helps me sleep." I reply. "Sing it then." He says smiling. (Gorgeous)

I take a breath and start singing.

"The stars they shine so bright tonight, and they're all over the sky." Jamey looks at me in awe whilst I'm singing. "The stars they light up the night, the make me feel alive." I pause for a moment whilst Jamey sits up and says; "your singing voice is amazing Schatje. (darling)

I continue singing. "The universe is big and strong, it makes you feel like you belong. Out there there is so much to see, it makes a difference for yoy and me." I pause again and Jamey just can't take his off of me. "Look up to the sky, watch comets fly, ilook how much you can see. Which winders would there be, if it weren't for you and me. The stars they shine all day, but its to bright, when there's daylight. Just look up and see, the place for you and me. Now tuck you  into bed and sleep so peacefully."

When I finnish the lullaby I am sleepy like always and I fall asleep.


The next day I wake up to another suprise. I see Ember laying on the only mattres that was empty yesterday.

-Authors note:

The next few chapters with be in my story "Wintumn and Ember" so if you want to follow along you should read it there.

Marjoreeces Child: Lily's LifeWhere stories live. Discover now