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TW: Sexual assult / pedophelic behavior


When we get to Carly's house her boyfriend is nowhere to be seen. "Carly, where is Thomas?"
"Oh, he is working late today."
"Probably out cheating." I mutter under my breath and only Ember hears it and she dors the iconic Autumn stare. I have seen that look way to many times since I have been going to the nursery because every time a parent comes in the office she has that look.

We pick a movie to watch whilst Carly is in the kitchen getting drinks and snacks. "How is Alex by the way?" I ask Ember but Carly replies instead. "Uhm, for how far I know Alex is happy. He is still settling in a bit but I know he has met a girl in his class he is head over heels for."
"HEAD OVER HEELS?!?!?!" Ember shouts out in shock and her breathing gets heavy. "Yeah, at least, that's what Char told me." Carly shrugs but I see Ember almost fainting. "Breathe! Ember, breathe!" I stroke her back as she starts catching her breath.

"What the hell is going on?!" Carly asks as she comes back. "Uhm, Ember just found out her crush is head over heels for her."
"I do think so, I mean... he stayed over and we spend hours talking."
"Oh my god!!! That's is so cute!"
"Carly, get this, he even galoped with just a bridle! Though, Em did have a leading rope connected to it but still!"
"Okay, you know I don't know anything about horses but isn't that like... conpletly unsafe?"
"Oh come on! He was riding Gloria, that's the safe you can ever be!" We all burst out in laughter but then Thomas comes through the door.

"Hi darling." "Hi Thomas." He sits down next to her on the couch and they kiss, EWWW. The cuddle up to eachother and discuss every detail of how their day has been without eachother but I try to ignore it. I just can't stand them being so lovey dovey with eachother, it annoys the fuck out of me. "Lily, are you alright?" Carly asks me after they're dine talking. "Oh yeah, ofcourse I am." I say trying to hide my annoyance and luckily she doesn't notice. I sit there with Thimas on my right and Ember on my left.

"Right girls, I'll be right back." Carly says when she gets up and leaves me and Ember alone with Thomas.  "Alright darling." He says as she walks out if the room and he lays his hand on my thigh. "So, I'm just with you two now. How lucky can I get?" I look at Ember with a look that screams help but somehow she doesn't notice. I punch her arm lightly before Thomas pull me a bit more to himself and she finally looks over at me. "Thomas stop it." I say trying to keep my cool but he doesn't listen and grabs me by the back of my neck. "Shut up little girl. I am way stronger that you and you know it." He lets go and then Carly comes back. He lets go off me before she sees and I move myself as close as I can be to Ember.

Nit ling after she is back the movie ends and that pedo gies to his gaming room. When he is gone I have gatherd up the courage to tell Carly about what he has been doing to me and Ember. "Uhm Carly," She looks over at me, I am still very nervous. "I have uhm, something pretty serious to tell you." She has a slight reaction of shock in her eyes but keeps herself calm. "What is it Lily, are you alright?" I take deep breaths and try to scramble the words togheter in my head but I can't really. "It's about Thomas, he makes us feel uncomfirtable when you're not here." Ember eventually says, knowing that I can't get the words out.

As soon as Ember had the wirds out Carly was everything but happy.


"W-What?!" I manage to get out after a long while of just sitting there. I am shocked, pissed, fumming, mad, angry, betrayed but most of all, worried. I am worried for how thise two little girls must have felt when he was doing that to them. Woried about how they felt when if they asked him to stop he didn't. I hug them as close to me as I can, a few angry tears escaping my eyes.

"Carly, are you okay?" I let them go and nod, that's the only thing I can do to not raise my voice because I'm so angry at him. I calm myself down a bit and then I speak, "Are you two alright?" Lily just nods whilst Ember talks. "Yes, it feels like a massive weight has just been lifted off my shoulder."

Then Thomas walks in and I fight the urge not to pull an Autumn on him. "Girls, can you two go to the geustroom?" I ask them and they do as I asked. They close the dior behind them and then I grab Thomas by the scruff of his neck.


A bit later when she walks back inti our room we see Thomas fleeing the appartment. "You two had a... talk?" Ember asks nervous, we have never seen Carly this mad, not even at the nursery with some of the atrocious parents. "Yeah, well, it wasn't really a talk but I did make a few things clear." She sits down on the bed and suddently she bursts into tears. "It's just so fucking horrible since I was so down bad for him. But you know what?! Fuck it if I can't have him! I don't want that fucking pedophile!" "Wait, you didn't pull an Autumn right?" I ask in a hurry as she calmed down a bit and it made her chuckle. "Not a complete one, she'd do way worse."

We spend the rest of the evening chatting the time away as I lean on Carly.



That morning when I wake up I lift my head from Carly's shoulder and I see her phone buzzing. I look at it to see a message from her dad. "NO CARLY! THIS ISN'T A DISCUSSION! YOU ARE DATING HIM AND THAT'S IT!!" I sigh to myself. She has always let her dad cintroll whatever she does and it makes me feel terrible. I mean, that man literally raised her just to cage her.

I get out if bed and I go to the livingroom to read a book. This book is just like the typical horse movie. A girl has never even touched a horse but suddenly she is destined to ride one and win a random race to safe the stables. I have a long while to read and I do so. When Carly comes in the room I had just finnished the book and put it away.

"What do you want to eat?" She asks me. "Uhm, I don't mind." She goes into the kitchen but then I hear the doorbell and I go to open the door to see my mother. "Hey mom." I say and she walk in to talk a bit with Carly before we head off.

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