The after effects

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-Authors note:

You NEED to have read upto "The plan" on my story "Wintumn and Ember"


I can't help but feel empty. Roger is still out there and my only spek of joy that I had left is gone. I barely talk with my family and I just spend all of that time chatting with Ember or Carly. I'm no longer allouwed to go to my friends houses after school so instead I just have to go to the nursery. My dad picks me up and brings me to wherever Carly is because I feel like she is the only one able to understand me. I always help out in the room whenever I can to stop the boredom and the staff all love me for it but I don't feel like the parents like it.

When I walk out of school I already see my dad waitong for me. I walk to the car with Jamey following behind me whilst my dad gestured for me to sit down. "Dad can I pleaseeeee go with Jamey today? Its been AGES since we last hung out!" I please with my dad but he isn't having it. "Lily, you know why we don't want that," He talk but I cut him off. "Can he at least go with us to the nurseries?" I pull off my best puppy eyes that I know my dad can't resist and he finally agrees.

Me and Jamey spend the whole car ride in the backseat laughing about silly jokes and all sorts of things. However my dad just looks at us confused whenever I giggle at something he said because he just doesn't understand.

After a while we arrive at my mothers nursery and my dad walks us in. We go to the office to make our homework. We make loads of silly inside jokes and eventually my mother asks what we are laughing about but we just say some lame excuse. Once finnish our homework I show him around the nursery.

"Sooo, this is him??" Carly asks and I give her a glare. "I didn't know you could be so much like Autumn, Reece must have given you that skill." She comments whilst giggling. I look over at Jamey to see him be quite confused. "Autumn is Embers mother, you know, the woman with the high ponytail in the office?" As I explain it he nods so I know he kniws who we are talking about. "I do see the resemblance yoy two have, I think? I only saw Ember do that glare." I laugh a bit and try to move on to another topic so I just introduce the two of them. "Hey Lily, I'd love to chat but these diapers ain't gonna clean themselfs sadly. I'll see you soon." She says and I just look at her weirdly. "Oh by the way Carly, we'll do the eavesdropping for you." She rolls her eyes as she picks Jonathan up before me and Jamey walk out.

We go up to the staff room where I usually spend my time if I'm not in the rooms. I pull out my Ipad from my bag that I secretly brought with me. "Anything yoy want to do?" I ask him and he thinks for a bit before answering. "We could watch a movie?" He suggests and I agree.

I open Disney+ and he chooses the movie "Wreck It Ralph". Halfway through the movie I suddently hear my mother sigh as she stands in the door opening. "Lily..." Jamey now also looks up at my mom as he pauses the movie. "I came to get you two because every child has been collected earlier than usual." I turn off the Ipad and put it in my bag before me and Jamey go with my mother.


I take Lily and Jamey home and Lily doesn't really pay attention to whatever I'm saying, she just keeps giggling with Jamey in the backseat. When we're home Lily takes Jamey's hand and they run up to her room.

A while later I knock on her door but I hear nothing so I knock again. "What is it mom?" I hear an annoyed Lily shout out at me. I open her door and I'm about to give her a lecture but I just leave it. "I'm  going to get Ben, yoy two behave yourselfs whilst I'm gone." I says as she rollds her eyes.

Ever since Roger kidnapped her has become so distand and disturbed whenever anyone asks her something or even talk to her. This is only not the case with Ember. Even Carly was pushed away slightly but luckily she still is able to laugh with her. I mean, I get thar she's mad at us for the new rules we set in place but she doesn't just take it out on us. Reece says it's also her starting puberty that plays a part in this.


I am having such a wonderfull time talking with Jamey and I don't stop. We get called for dinner and innitially I don't want to go but with Jamey here I feel like I have too.

As we sit at the table table I introduce Jamey to Benny and they grt along great. I keep moving the food on my plate around with my fork because I'm not hungry. Jamey looks at me worried because of that and he puts his arm around me. "Lily, why aren't you eating?" I sigh and he looks at me just so sincerily I need to reply. "I'm just not that hungry." "Maar, oh wait I need to talk english, Schatje, you have to eat something! You haven't eaten all day." (But, Darling)
I look around the table and see my mother looking at Jamey either confused or how she looks when something cute is happening, or maybe both. I groan and take a bite. "Ugh alright, you win." He smiles at me and gives me a kiss on the cheeck as he wipes a strand of hair away from my face. I look over at my parents and they are SHOCKED whilst I just giggle at their reactions. "Oh, did I forget to tell yall that we are dating?" I ask as I keep looking at their silly faces when they have their eyes widend like that. "Yeah uhm, you did forget to tell us that small detail." My dad replies.

After we brought Jamey home zi just sit in the car in silence with my dad sometimes looking over at me. He stops the car in a random street and he sits facing me. "Lily..." He grabs my hand but I pull it away. "Lily, please look at me." I look at him and he looks really sad. "I know I can't force you but you have to take care of yourself." He looks so sinciere so I look away to not get any tears flowing. "But dad, you don't understand." I mumble but he heard me. "My Angel, what don't I understand?" Fuck, he wasn't meant to hear that.
"Dad, stop it."
"No Lily, I want to help you."
I just keep looking away and I get fed up with it so I shout without thinking. "I don't need your help!" I'm about to open my door to run away but before I do he notices and locks it. "Should I ask for Ember and Carly to come over?" I just nod. He grabs his phone to call them but his phone is still connected so "Never grow up (Taylors Version)" by Taylor Swift starts playing. He tries to get his phone off of blutooth as quick as he can and he calls Autumn and Carly.

We first drive past Carly's house and when she gets in the car I just immidiatly hug her. We also pick up Ember and my dad drives us home. The car ride is pretty silent but when we get to my house I drag them up to my room and I just hug them as I cry. "Angel, what's wrong?" They simultainiously ask me. "I just hate my parents!" I burst into tears whilst I keep them in my embrace pulling them even closer. They both calm me down and we sit down on the floor as Carly asks us if we can keep a secret. "You know, Autumn would kill me if I told anyone this but I think you should know. Me and Ember both nod and Carly goes on. "You two don't know this but when you were kidnapped your parents were absolutely heartbroken. Autumn even hugged Winter, Marj and Reece." She stops for a second to wipe away a tear of hers and then she continued. "Every staff member of the nurseries were so worried about you but you don't know how much your parents sufferd. Anything they do now, any new rules they set in place like going to ur grandparents or the nursery after school is to keep you safe. They don't want to hurt you, they just want to do everything to keep you safe from any harm. Please don't be mad with them." She finnishes and by this point we are all crying, yhis time not out of frustration nut out of sadness and empathy. "I- I didn't know," i stutter. "Angel, it's fine, just know they care so much about you and don't want you to get hurt." We all hug eachother and we go to bed.

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