3. Reunion

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The next day Hoseok was a flurry of activity. He'd fallen asleep sometime around 3 in the morning but when he awoke four hours later, he hadn't felt tired or sleep-deprived, rather a constant hum of adrenaline and coffee was powering him. He felt alight with possibility and leaving Jungkook a note on the bedside drawer, Hoseok left the room to meet with his team at eight in the morning.

He'd been too excited to share his impeccable presentation with his team to consider his father in the equation at all. So thankfully his nervousness was limited to his immediate concerns. His team had mixed reactions to the plan but the overall sentiment seemed to be positive and the plan was dealt with in further detail.

In between hours of discussions, Hoseok texted Jungkook as often as he could. He was no longer in the room but enjoying his impromptu vacation. He'd sent Hoseok pictures of him at the gym, then at the private swimming pool, and most recently, the golf course.

Hoseok allowed Jungkook's messages to provide him brief respite as the onslaught of the business proceedings threatened to consume him.

His team was trying to catch up with their original deadlines after Hoseok's delayed decision. But it was clearly straining everyone and besides, Hoseok would much rather have been spending time with Jungkook instead.

After Hoseok texted him that he'd not be available for lunch as well he'd received a supportive message from Jungkook stating that he'd survive and that Hosoek should focus on work.

A while later, Hoseok looked over at his phone buzzing on the tabletop and excused himself to allow himself both a breath of fresh air and a chance to reply in peace. He didn't feel too guilty as his advisors seemed relieved as well to be given a chance to look into their own matters.

Once outside on the splendid balcony Hoseok opened his messages and clicked on Jungkook's contact. Jungkook had sent him a photo of a pastry with the caption "Don't get too jealous".

Hoseok chuckled despite himself. He rang up Jungkook's contact and was comforted by the voice of the younger on the other end.

"where are you?" Hoseok asked.

"There's this bakery two streets down," Jungkook explained, " I think it's called...Kim's Treats? "

Hoseok hummed. "Well try not to have too much fun without me,"

"Trust me, I'm tempted," Jungkook laughed, "Also, how're the discussions going?"

Hoseok sighed. "they're all right, we're just working on modifying it to fit my dad's tastes,"

Hoseok looked down at the busy streets far below him, feeling the wind playing with his hair.

Jungkook's response was a hum that sounded both resigned and also distracted.

"Are you paying attention to me?" Hoseok asked indignantly.

"What? oh yeah...listen I'll call you back Hobi," and the line went dead.

Hoseok scoffed, staring down at his phone feeling betrayed and wounded. He stuffed it in his jacket pocket and walked back towards the boardroom feeling overworked.

He pushed open the door and sat back in his seat and didn't interrupt as the proceeding resumed. He only wished for the minutes to tick by faster. Hours later Hoseok decided enough was enough, it was time for dinner and he needed a big fat break.

"I think we should conclude discussions for today," he suggested firmly.

"But sir," Lita began, " we haven't gotten the designers to work on the logos and we've yet to schedule the appointment for discussion with Mr. Jung, your father,"

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