7. Oblivion

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Sweat trickled down Yoongi's back as he pedaled towards the hotel. 

It had been several days since he'd last seen rich boy at that cafe, and thankfully, there was no sight of his friend either. He'd concluded that they'd realized that it was best to leave things the way they were prior and pretend to have never met each other.

Atleast, that's what he hoped. He hadn't had the time to confront Taehyung about this. He knew for a fact that that guy would've texted him back but he trusted his brother to handle the situation.

He willed himself to the present.

The streets seemed to blur in his peripheral vision as he sped on by. His eyelids felt heavy, the result of a long day, or rather, too many long days stacked up on each other. He was he knew running entirely on willpower, his limbs protesting every movement.

He'd try to get a good night's sleep before going to the florist's tomorrow.

Wait. No. He had that piece he needed to work on for the ad. He needed his music to get picked for the advertisement. The royalties wouldn't be much but it'd be a great leap in his career as an underground musician and it would be an incredible addition to his portfolio as an artist.

The only problem was that he needed to compete with at least a million other people vying for the same role. Most probably had decent tools to work with, though he knew there were a generous number of people roughing it up like him. All desperate for some form of recognition. Some way up this rungless ladder.

Yoongi wiped the sweat off his forehead. 

He still had a long night ahead of him.

He sighed, the chilly evening air whipping his ears red as he drove around and past the front gates toward the staff entrance. It took a few tries to get the bike stand to function and Yoongi cursed under his breath, why was he so shaky today?

He flexed his fingers and threw back his shoulders in an attempt to shrug the weariness off.

He wasn't met with Neem upon entering as he usually was, which was weird until he remembered she said she'd be taking the rest of the week off. (Which wasn't much considering it was Friday).

He showed the man working in her place his employee ID, then walked toward the piano. 

His mind drifted to a memory, it seemed to be drifting a lot today though Yoongi hadn't noticed. He was thinking of the keyboard he'd gotten for his tenth birthday, just a year before his dad was convicted of tax fraud. 

Just a year before his perfect, idyllic life was completely, irrevocably shattered.

He refused to think of his mother. If thinking of his father brought a distant bitterness thinking of his mother brought incandescent rage. 

He shook his head, forcing the memories back. His head was swimming. He shook it again, feeling sick.

Where was this nausea coming from?

He slid open the curtain and closed it behind him. The grand piano stood majestically on the podium, looking gorgeous as ever. He walked over to it, sliding his fingers reverently over the top before letting them rest on the keys. 

He was on his third piece of the night when he saw it.

It looked like TV static except it was his vision and shaking his head didn't fix it.

The black and grey dots just kept flooding his vision, making him feel suddenly weightless. His head felt numb and he noticed he was listing a little, like the Titanic before it sank, he thought wryly.

His vision wasn't clearing at all, and instead of panicking he felt himself slow down, his fingers on the keys felt sluggish and abruptly, the music stopped, though he didn't recall ever consciously making that decision.

He put his head in his hands, willing blood into his brain. But when he lifted his head again, it made no difference. He only felt more disoriented than ever and the black spots were beginning to form a screen through which he couldn't glimpse the piano anymore.

Without realizing it, Yoongi teetered into unconsciousness. His eyes closed and his body thudded to the ground. 

He never felt the impact.


this chapter is super short but the next ones definitely a lot longer :)

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