Chapter 9: Help

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As the first chills of October hit the air, Autumn realized morning sickness was not her friend. Laying on the couch, she pinched her nose as she fought the building pressure behind her eyes. Everything, every sight, smell, even sound was giving her a headache. It didn't help that the throbbing pain made her stomach uneasy. She pressed her hand against the churning organ and took a few deep breaths.

Knock. Knock.

Her gaze flickered to the door. Last she checked, she wasn't expecting anyone. Did I forget about a delivery? Pushing herself up, she made her way to the door. "Gian?"

She raised an eyebrow at him dressed in a regular t-shirt and jeans. Her eyes widened even more at the giant gift basket in his arms. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, hey." He held the basket up. "I um...decided to make you a pregnancy basket. I made one for my sister, and she loved it, so I thought you might like one as well."

Red tinted his neck and ears. "I asked your sister to drop it off, but she suggested I give it to you in person. I hope this is ok? I didn't want to show up to your place unannounced, but your phone was going unanswered. I didn't have any other free days after today."

With another glance at the basket, her heart melted. He couldn't be for real right? There was no way this man was just that sweet. "Well, thank you." She took the basket. "Since you're free, would you like to come in?" As he stepped into the room, she took a quick peek.

Ginger was the main flavor in most of the items; ginger gum, ginger tea, planners with weeks and even nausea medication. That's when she saw the gummy bears. A gasp left her lips, before she ripped the package open. "Oh, I haven't had these in forever!"

"I thought they might help with sweet cravings."

Autumn popped a blue one in her mouth. . "Hmm, the blues are my favorite."

"I loved the greens." Holding the bag to him, she watched him take one. "My child self always thought they tasted like apples for some reason."

"Does that mean mine should taste like blue raspberries?"

She popped another one into her mouth. "Well, can you think of anything else that's blue?"

Before she could reply, a wave of nausea started to rise up again. Closing the bag, she shifted through until she found the mint gum and popped a piece in. Unable to answer, she made her way back to the couch, focusing on not becoming sick. Her hands pressed against her eyes.

"You alright?"

"No, I'm sorry." She groaned. "I'm just not feeling up too much talking anymore."

"Well maybe we can do something else?" He glanced around her apartment. "How about I make you some lunch, and we can watch a few movies?"

Lowering one hand, she raised an eyebrow. "Like a movie date?"

"Well, if that's what you want to call it."

Studying him, she saw no humor in his words. "Alright but don't expect me to be very talkative."

Gian smiled before he made his way into her kitchen. Torn between wanting to watch him work and not wanting to take the risk of getting up, she settled with an inbetween, occasional glimpse at him toasting bread, dicing avocado and more.

When she cracked her eye open once more, she saw him placing a plate in front of her. "I give you...avocado on toasted bread."

"Ooo la, la." Autumn pushed herself up. "So fancy."

She smiled at Gian's bow. "I tried."

Taking a piece of bread, she bit into it. "Hmm," she hummed in delight.

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