23) this wilderness school doesnt suck?

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Did I say hiatus? How about lack of updates? Also i really don't know what the wilderness school looks like lol - I'm in England and it's pretty as always :)

Also please let me know my spanish speaking amigos if something is wrong! I'm still studying so i don't know if i'm 100% right!

Finally decided on Ada's fatal flaw - you thought i would tell you? You're funny.

Also this is a short chapter, to keep you guys tide over.

Ada dreamed that she was in the hallway of the Wilderness school.

Miss Cormace had dropped her off at the entrance with a beauty and the beast backpack from the thrift store. She felt like a 6 year old in a pack of wild lipstick wearing, mascara hogging middle schooler sharks.

Her first major concern was the first class of the day starting at seven AM. Ada was pretty sure that school was a torture house hidden behind a façade of education.

Her first class was Pre-Algebra, which made it a million times worse. Math plus early morning equals another school to be kicked from.

In the past seven years she had nine schools, the wilderness one being the ninth. How was she expelled?

The first and second were her lack of concern to her terrible grades and immaturity. The third was from punching a kid to the ER room, and the fourth was from setting the kitchen on fire, and the fifth was pulling the fire alarm, and the sixth was trying to fix a jammed locker and breaking it instead, leading to thousands in repair costs. Miss Cormace pulled her out instead. The seventh wasn't her fault, but she found weed in the bathroom, and a teacher happened to walk in. They didn't even let her explain.

Her final school had a strict no fighting policy. When they were playing tag in the field one day, Ada lost horribly and couldn't take their teasing, tackling and fighting the boy who won. The school told her she was on thin ice, so when she cheated on a test she didn't study for, they pulled the trigger and told Miss Cormace that Ada would no longer be attending the
Erickson School for troubled youth.

She wasn't troubled. Every single teacher she knew told her she had problems. You'll need some tutoring to read this. Or Please sit still! Or is that impossible for you?

Her new school looked pretty dry. Not in quantity, but quality. A few kids looked like they were on a new type of steroid that makes them look like a real giant. Meanwhile a few kids looked like pretty malnourished, including herself.

She entered her Pre Algebra class and looked at her seating chart. A girl named Piper behind her, and a boy, Leo.

Oh shit. The girl behind me is a model, Ada thinks.

The girl named Piper had a pencil in her hand and despite her eye bags, Ada was pretty sure she was not real. Her hair was choppy and obviously unkempt, but in that effortless way that made her look like it was on purpose. She had dirty jeans and an oversized sweatshirt that looked a few years old, but her warm toned skin gleamed with a disturbing lack of acne. How does it feel to be everyone's favorite, she wondered.

Ada walked forward, and didn't know how to introduce herself. Luckily, Piper did first.

"Oh, are you new?" Piper asked, and Ada was nervous.

"Yeah. I'm a bit unused to everything here."

"Did you move here? I like your accent. Are you French?"

Damn. She still had an accent after seven years here? Ada tried to hide it as well as possible, but she supposed it didn't completely hide it.

Ada decided to just smile. "Yeah. I've been here a long time though. Nice to meet you."

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