2. how to talk with ghosts (kids, don't try this at home)

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The weekend passes similarly to the previous one, only this time the ghost is much, much bolder.

It still never does anything when Bokuto is around, to Kuroo's utmost frustration, but the moment Kuroo is alone, it's a true free-for-all. Kuroo's things disappear, only to appear in a completely random place two hours later. He constantly hears footsteps at night and he doesn't even try to pretend anymore that the shadows aren't moving. The lights turn on and off randomly, he never gets to watch anything fun on TV unless Bo is there with him, and anything that can shake shakes at least once. He doesn't dare look into any mirrors again after he's jump-scared by the sight of the same creepy-but-kinda-hot dark-haired ghost man three more times.

By the time Sunday evening arrives, Kuroo is almost more annoyed with the ghost than actually scared of it.

And, worst of all, Bokuto still doesn't believe him.

"Kuroo, I told you, I'm not going to fall for it," his friend insists, eyebrows pinched, after Kuroo describes all of the weird experiences he's had over the last two days. "I know I was stupid to think that the house was haunted, okay? You don't have to make fun of me for that."

"I'm not making fun of you," Kuroo assures him patiently. "I wouldn't do that. Look, I'm sorry for dismissing your worries at first, I see now that I should have taken you more seriously. Those things that happen here, they aren't normal."

"But I haven't seen any of the things you're describing," Bokuto points out, putting his elbows on the dining table and resting his chin on his palms. "Don't you think I would have noticed if there was a ghost in my house?"

"Not if the ghost doesn't want you to know."

"Well, that's just dumb." Bokuto purses his lips. "Why would the ghost not want me to know about it?"

"I don't know, Bo, maybe so that you wouldn't get rid of it? Maybe it enjoys fucking with me? Who knows what ghosts are thinking?"

"They aren't thinking anything, Kuroo," Bokuto says pointedly, "because they don't exist. You really should come up with a better prank, this one is getting boring."

"It's not a prank!" Kuroo resists an urge to yank on his hair in frustration. The intense amusement projected by the damn ghost is certainly not helping. "I swear, Bo, I'm not making fun of you. This is serious."

Bokuto, to Kuroo's dismay, remains unconvinced.

"Come on, have you really not experienced any weirdness here at all after that first time?" Kuroo nearly pleads. "No weird sounds, no disappearing items, no violently shaking furniture? Nothing?"

"No." Bokuto shrugs but deliberately avoids Kuroo's gaze. "None of the things you described have ever happened to me."

"And you're certain you don't feel anything odd in here? At all? Like, like a presence, like you're not alone even when you think you're alone?"

Something flickers through Bokuto's eyes, something like guilt, but it's gone too fast for Kuroo to be sure. It's quickly replaced by an expression of concern as he leans into Kuroo's personal space and puts his palm on Kuroo's forehead as though to check for temperature.

"Bro, are you sure you're okay? Are you sleeping enough?" Kuroo scoffs, slapping the hand away, but Bokuto isn't discouraged. "No offence, but you're, like, the last person I would imagine believing in ghosts. If you're having trouble sleeping, I can send you some cool ASMR videos I found, if you want. They're, like, so nice to fall asleep to!" Kuro mumbles some half-hearted response that Bokuto must take as an affirmative because he flashes him an encouraging smile. "You need to relax, bro. You've not been yourself recently."

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