1. a lucky day

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Author pov :
Today's morning was so rush for MILK cause she's check her phone at 7 am and director message had been send at yesterday night about the meeting at GMMTV building at 9 am, she's just wake up .. U can imagine her being in rush and from her apparment to gmmtv building takes 1 hour , basically she's only have 1 hour for herself..

Currently she's at building front gate and it's pass 9 am already, let's praye to God director miss stack at traffic or something!

MIKE : author would u like if I share my experience by myself

Author : yep why not

MILK pov:

So yeah I'm going inside the building and I asked the staff about the meeting, unlucky director not stacked at traffic she's inside the meeting office !

God safe me! I'm nervous as fuck cause I'm introvert and basically I have to open the door and everyone eyes is gonna on me! I'm dead
Obviously I open the door and lucky everyone is at good mode and that's great! Director miss said she's waiting for me.. For me why!? Is she's just try to being sarcastic?

And the next thing she announced I'm at shock!! Did she's just said she's going to make new series.. And I'm going to be MAIN character wtf really.. Seriously what they see in me.. Obviously my charm 😎✨ wait if I'm a main character who's going to be my partner!?

Then she's said she's wanna continue my old drama love couple.. Wait is she's meant LOVE ... O it's gl.. Wait gmmtv first gl series and me being the main character o god I'm the luckiest person on this planet thank u so much!

Then someone talked for my left side , then my eye's first time going to left side of mine and its Another then LOVE, she's cute person and yep most talkative one too basically a extrovert !

She's siad me and her is going to being the main character so we should try to be close with each other, cause we not know about each other other then, meet at the seat whenever we had role together or celebration patties.
And director miss agree with her, yep she's had point

But how I'm going to handle her...
Cause she's my secret cruusshhh!!

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