2. before shooting

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LOVE pov ;

The meeting was end and almost everyone is gone then i saw P'milk and i congrats her for the series and ask her if she's free now i thought let's grab coffee together and do some little chit chat  just befor i ask her my phone light up and its none other then my boyfriend and ask me for lunch date so we descide our place and i wish him goodbye then P;milk ask me " hy N'love want to have a lunch at the building cafe ?" then i have to refuse her cause now i'm going with my love " o i'm sorry P' milk i have a lunch date with my love  so maybe next time byee ! "

MILK pov : 

i was just looking at the novel which was in the meeting room table then out of blue LOVE come and congrats  me , so do i then her phone light up and she excuse me , then i though let's go for lunch, i was collecting my courage for asking LOVE if she want to have lunch at building cafe , then she come done with the call and she refuse me .. yeah i mean i forget she's in relationship realty hits so hardddd .. btw now i'm alone again ..its daily thing noww...

STILL I WAS REFUCE BY MY CRUSHH .... [ its not like first time hehe crying in silence ]

 AUTHOR : I knew the word AUTHOR is  kind powerfull and currently out of my scale still i'm using  heheh , guys im kind busy and honestly i start this story when i was so bored and whenever i get time i'll update it , thanks for reading even it's u know what i'm sayinggg bye for now ... stay healthyyy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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