a lucky day part2

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LOVE pov:

Finally I get my own series after being side actor for so long, and my series partner is P'MILK, well it's I good thing that it's a gl, cause my boyfriend is so posscive  he surly not give me premmsion for the series, thank god I'm safe and working together again with p'milk it's a good thing cause she' such a respectful person and we worked together before so we kind comfortable with each other, even we are not that close still I feel safe and nice with her and that's why I asked director miss if we can get to know each other more cause it will help us to be natural actor in the series and it give natural beauty to the series

I can't wait for the shootinnggg!
My own serieesss!

MILK pov ;

for now we get our schedule for the upcoming series , and in 2 weeks shooting will be start currently we all listen to story writter telling us about the story and novel work 

so basically it's going to be cute high school romcom series and the next thing writter say ..make me blush, cause we going KISSSSS in the series , i know i can't except more cause its high school story but still a KISSS is enough to high my delulululu crush fantasy 


i get my first main series and my crush is going to my partner and we'll kiss too wooohoooooo!

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