Blind Date

13 1 0

Author’s POV

As he walked to the café, every step was heavy with the weight of unspoken dreams and silent rebellion. Taehyung was disillusioned with his life, and then he met him.

Meanwhile, the prospect of being shackled to a loveless union, mirroring the hollow facade of his parents' marriage, loomed ominously before Jungkook. But then he met him.

Jungkook walked to his seat and was shocked to see a guy as his date. His thoughts intensified, roaming directionless in his head—

"Hi," Jungkook said, putting a stop to his endless thoughts, his voice gentle yet filled with a subtle strength.

"Hi," Taehyung replied, his heart pounding with an intensity that surprised him. Sitting down across from Jungkook, his heart racing with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation, he said, “I can't believe I'm here.”

Meeting Taehyung's gaze, a hint of excitement sparkling in his eyes, Jungkook replied, “Me neither. I thought for sure they'd matched us with a girl.”

Taehyung chuckled softly, a shy smile playing on his lips. “Well, I knew it would be a guy, but I was wrong…”

Jungkook raised his eyebrows in confusion, shifting his gaze. When he raised his head towards the other, Jungkook exactly looked like a bunny with those bunny ears dropping down in disappointment.

So he doesn't like guys. Jungkook thought.

Noticing his disappointment, Taehyung immediately said, “Because you look like an angel, Jungkook.”

This caught Jungkook off guard. He tried to cover his blushing face with his hoodie paws.

Oh? So he can be cute too. What are you doing to my heart Jungkook? Taehyung thought.

Taehyung caught his hands, saying, “Don’t. I have been starved for this face all my life and didn’t even know you existed. Now that I know, don’t steal my time to watch you, Jungkook. You are beautiful, and th-those bambi eyes make me forget my- my miseries,” his voice soft and a little lower now.

Just when I was losing myself I saw you. I was losing faith in myself. It's funny how I lost my freedom to touch canvas and then I saw you clearer, brighter than those canvas. How I wish to paint your life with my love. I don't wanna spend a minute without seeing those eyes Jungkook. Taehyung thought.

Then he continued, "I am Taehyung, if you were wondering what my name was".

Hearing the comment, Jungkook immediately removed his hands from his face, his cheeks beet red. Worried about Taehyung's last sentence, he wondered what made him say that. Then he approached Taehyung and said, “Stop making me blush,” gently hitting Taehyung. “And-and I've never seen a guy as handsome as you on a blind date before.”

Your voice is melodious. I thought nothing can be soother than melodies of my songs and then I heard you. It's deeper and can easily calm the mess in my mind, and may-maybe in my life too?. Jungkook thought.

Smiling a bit at the compliment, Taehyung replied, “Well, thank you.” Feeling a sense of vulnerability creeping in, but also a strange sense of comfort in Jungkook's presence, he added, “I've been feeling a little lost lately, you know?”

I saw that in your eyes. I know how it feels. I feel the same too Taehyung.

Nodding understandingly, his eyes filled with empathy, Jungkook said, “I get it. It's has been on autopilot for way too long.”

I hope you are okay jungkook.

Meeting Jungkook's gaze, a sense of connection blossoming between them, Taehyung said, “Exactly. It's like we're both stuck in this rut, and we don't know how to break free.”

I know we both are struggling and everyone wants to escape when they see others struggling with their life but...but I want to help you with this. I want to stay with you in your lowest more than your happy moments Taehyung.

Feeling a surge of determination coursing through him, Jungkook said, “Well, maybe...just maybe...we can figure it out together.”

Are you even real?...I will help you with your struggles too. Though your eyes indicate pain, you are still beautiful inside out.

Smiling hopefully, Taehyung asked, “You really think so?”

Reaching out to gently squeeze Taehyung's hand, his touch reassuring, Jungkook replied, “I do. I have a feeling that tonight is just the beginning for us.”

I hope so, because I never want this to end. They both thought.

His eyes shone when he talked about nature, who himself is the art of God. I don’t know what made his eyes gloomy, indicating he is tired of this life, Jungkook thought.

He was so happy to see me. Before knowing that it was me, he was hopeless, wanting to abandon this blind date and run away. But after meeting eyes with me, I saw hope in his eyes. I wonder what you are feeling and going through, Taehyung thought.

Without thinking further, Taehyung took Jungkook by surprise when he reached out to hold Jungkook's hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

"I am glad I came today", said Taehyung making jungkook blush.

Jungkook thought for a moment and then leaned in to kiss Taehyung's cheeks.

"I am glad too, you are lucky that you found me", Jungkook said and giggled.

Taehyung was too stunned to speak. He couldn't move as if he was dreaming and if he moved a bit he would wake up and the dream would be forgotten.

Hours went by as minutes. They were lost in each other's presence. Their connection was way too deeper for their first meeting. But it was real.

Taehyung never imagined to meet a person with a child-like personality and so much maturity. He didn't think he would fall so easily for someone.

Though Jungkook's voice... It was soft of course but a bit similar. It feels like I have heard his voice before. Taehyung thought.


I don't know what I am writing I hope it is at least readable. It is a bit boring because this book does not contain heavy plots. It's slow and short. I am trying to convey their emotions more than plots maybe in my different stories I will come up with different plots but this story is slow and silent throughout so it's okay it's not everyone's type.

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