Unspoken Words

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Taehyung and Jungkook met at a quaint café on a chilly autumn afternoon. They were on a blind date, not expecting much from this setup. One was disillusioned with life, while the other had never believed in love at all. But the moment their eyes met, something shifted. They both felt it and understood it instantly. Their struggling lives had torn each of them into pieces that seemed beyond repair, but they found a reason to endure when they recognized each other's existence. It wasn’t about physical attraction or beauty; it was the survivor’s eyes that drew them together, connecting them automatically.

The café was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the crisp air outside. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the soft hum of conversation, creating a comforting atmosphere. Taehyung arrived first, his eyes scanning the room with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. He chose a corner table, where he could observe without being the center of attention.

Jungkook walked in moments later, his entrance unnoticed by most but not by Taehyung. Their eyes met across the room, and in that fleeting second, everything else faded into the background. Jungkook's eyes, though weary, held a depth of emotion that resonated with Taehyung. It was as if they had both been wandering through a storm and had finally found shelter in each other's gaze.

They exchanged hesitant smiles as Jungkook approached the table. He extended his hand, and Taehyung took it, feeling an unexpected warmth spread through him.

"Hi," Jungkook said, his voice gentle yet filled with a subtle strength.

"Hi," Taehyung replied, his heart pounding with an intensity that surprised him.

They sat down, a moment of silence enveloping them. It wasn't awkward; rather, it was a silence rich with unspoken understanding. They took in each other's presence, letting the connection settle between them like a delicate thread weaving its way into something more substantial.

As they started to talk, the initial awkwardness melted away. They spoke about their lives, their struggles, and their dreams. Every word felt significant, every shared laugh a precious gift. Taehyung found himself mesmerized by Jungkook's stories, his resilience, and the way his eyes lit up when he spoke about the things he loved.

Jungkook, in turn, was captivated by Taehyung's honesty and the way he wore his heart on his sleeve. There was a raw vulnerability in Taehyung that Jungkook found deeply appealing. It was as if they had both been waiting for this moment, for this connection, without even realizing it.

Hours passed in what felt like minutes. The café grew busier, but they remained in their own little world, oblivious to everything around them. They didn't need grand gestures or elaborate conversations; their presence was enough. It was in the stolen glances, the shared smiles, and the comfortable silence that they found their connection.

They started dating after few dates. Today was another date of many they went and would go in the future. Now, as they sit together again, they are reliving that first meeting in their heads, cherishing the moment that changed everything.

Taehyung's POV

Love at first sight was never my thing. The idea of falling in love with someone the moment our eyes met seemed implausible, even foolish. I had always believed it was nothing more than a fleeting attraction that would dissipate with time.

But then, I saw him.

Can you blame me? Anyone would fall for him at the speed of light if they knew someone like him existed. I did, and I was faster than light in that. He taught me what love at first sight truly is. It wasn't just an attraction. It was more than love. It was everything, all at once.

The moment our eyes locked, the world around me ceased to exist. His eyes, deep and mesmerizing, drew me in, holding me captive in their gaze. Every gesture, every smile—it was all so captivating. I couldn’t help but feel I had found something extraordinary. It felt as if I had known him all my life, even though we had just met.

My heart pounded with a rhythm I had never felt before. Every glance he threw my way sent shivers down my spine, and every word he spoke seemed to etch itself into my soul. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring us together in that moment, and nothing else mattered.

Jungkook's POV

Is there any way to stop loving someone you dream of growing old with? Heart racing at the thought of them. Longing for someone you’ve never had. Missing someone you’ve never spent time with. Mind going blank at their mere presence. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach from a millisecond touch. The change in your heart and soul after meeting them. Is this some kind of affliction? If it is, then I never thought I’d enjoy being a patient. This person isn’t just someone; he’s the love of my life, I thought. I was lost in this maze of thoughts just when—

Taehyung came to the rescue at the perfect moment, Jungkook thought.

"Hey baby," said Taehyung, his voice a tender caress.

"Hi," replied Jungkook, a shy smile gracing his lips.

A minute of silence enveloped the room, giving them the space to process their thoughts and find comfort in each other's presence. This silence wasn't awkward; it was a soothing balm, wrapping them in a cocoon of unspoken understanding.

As if the silence itself was a source of comfort. As if their presence spoke louder than words. As if the melody of their heartbeats communicated with each other. As if the simple gaze of their eyes was their way of kissing. As if their souls were free to make love without involving their bodies.

They could easily read each other's thoughts just by looking at each other's faces. The emotions they were feeling were unnamed, but they were real. Both of them could feel it.

Is this profound connection between two souls what everyone calls love?
they both wondered.

Narrator’s POV

Their bond transcended mere words. It was a connection that reached beyond the physical realm, diving deep into their very beings. Taehyung and Jungkook found solace in each other’s company, an inexplicable comfort neither had experienced before.

As the evening wore on, they sat together, lost in their own world. The city lights outside their window flickered like distant stars, casting a soft, ethereal glow in the room. They didn’t need to speak; their silence was rich with unspoken promises and dreams yet to be realized.

Taehyung reached out, gently taking Jungkook's hand in his. The touch was light, almost feather-like, yet it sent a wave of warmth through both of them. Jungkook looked up, meeting Taehyung's gaze. In that moment, everything else faded away. The world outside ceased to exist; it was just the two of them, suspended in a timeless embrace.

Their hearts beat in unison, a silent symphony of love and understanding. The future was uncertain, but in each other, they found a piece of forever. And in that fleeting moment, they knew—this was what everyone called love.

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