Chapter 7. Back to the Start

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"Why can't you be like the others? Let me at least taste your lips, Professor," her minty breathed lingered on my lips while in my head it was the chaos. It was wrong in so many ways and before she could moved, my phone rang.

Saved by the bell!

I took my phone from the back pocket of my pants. So I had to get up, a good excuse to get away from her. Suddenly, the oxygen that seemed to be missing a few seconds ago came back like a bomb.

On the screen, many texts left by my dear mother. I never liked that she bothered me, but this time she saved me from doing the biggest mistake of my life. But I wasn't going to tell her that because I might suffer her speeches and even worse, force me to marry a stranger.

"What Mom?"

"What Mom?! I never taught you to talk to me like that, Kim Minji," she said furiously almost yelling on the line that I had protect myself by keeping the phone from by my ear.

"Look, I'm giving private lessons right now. Can't your problem wait?" I glanced at her discreetly as I looked behind me. Her legs crossed sitting comfortably at the bottom of the couch, she was on her phone but kept that devilish smile on her face.

God, she must by crazy.

"I think I told you yesterday that I'll come by your place today, didn't I?" My mother was only in her first phase of pissing off. So we were good... for now.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've had so many things to do that I forgot to tell you, but listen, I'm finishing up and if you want, you can wait for me at the apartment first. I'm now sending you my password to get in," I said in a low tone since Miss Pham was listening to me. My back was burning from her piercing eyes, I could feel it.

"Hurry up because it's important," and on that, she hung up on me. I wanted to pull my hair out and scream and take out all the curses. I placed both my hands on my face and took a deep breath. It was decided, it was time for me to take meditation classes.

"Something urgent, Professor?" this girl was really starting to get on my nerves with her confident look and seductive charm that could do a lot of damage.

"If you sustain your momentum, you will certainly succeed in your year. So I conclude that you won't need private lessons so much because you're doing well, I think, "I put my pens in my pencil case and then stuffed it in my bag. I had to get out of here as soon as possible before she tried one of her stupid techniques again.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Don't you have a few minutes to stay for coffee with me? While I'm also washing your lovely shirt, it would be a shame if the stain didn't go away," she stood in front of me. Her eyes did not inspire confidence especially when she kept looking my lower part.

She was fucking testing my limits but she didn't know with who she was playing.

"Let's be clear, I'm here to help you and your schoolwork. So there are some things you shouldn't say or do, especially with me. You know, I'm not like the others. I'm not going to find out what you have in mind, but you should know that this is a waste of time, so screw up your games,"

Nice Minji, keep that authoritative look.

"Well, you should know it too, Professor. Haven't you read my profile? You know that I'm not the type to easily give up, right? Whether it's my studies or something else, I always get what I want. It's only a matter of time," she simply smiled. she certainly knew how to intimidate people except with me.

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