Chapter 8. Only the Aperitif

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The sweet melody of my alarm clock rang, causing a slight growl of me. Even with a pleasant sound, I still had trouble getting out of bed. For a few years, especially since high school, I realized that I wasn't an early bird. My parents called me the sloth because I hung out in bed until the afternoon and every time they talked to me, I responded very slowly. My parents ended up believing that I had a disease that they had taken me to see a doctor.


The only solution we found was to make my awakening calm and without pressure. Indeed, the sound of classical alarm clocks made me so anxious. But I'm starting to think it's all psychological. Because until today, I'm still as lazy as ever. But I can make some exceptions!

Indeed, today I have private lessons with my dear professor. Do you know what it's like to have this feeling of having a knot in your stomach and you can't stay still because this excitement is uncontrollable? Well, I've been going through this hell for two weeks. For the past two weeks, I've been thinking and trying to put strategies in place.

Incredible, isn't it?

Even in my studies, I have never put so much effort into it. No, it's true that I once invested a lot of time in my first love relationship, but that's normal. Only this time, it's not even love anymore, it's pure sex. At a certain point in my life, my interests and vision of seeing life have changed.

I just want to have fun, but not just any way. I want adventure, and a bit of action in my life.

You know what, we only live once and in my opinion, the craziest things we do are the best memories. Not that I am a child with a troubled childhood, in fact I was an only child and my parents have been spoiling me since my appearance on this world - for which he should be grateful.

I am convinced that in two or three years' time, I will no longer have the same desires and I do not want to regret not having done everything I wanted to do at least once in my life. I admit that sleeping with your professor is not really commonplace unless you are in the US, but only the idea makes me shiver with pleasure.

Anyway, I was always attracted to all kind of forbidden stuff. I can't help it, that's how I was conceived and if people wanted to complain about it, let them go to the Gods who decided to send a goddess like me to earth. No, but why would they complain about it in the first place. I mean, look at me! I am a real delight to your eyes I wanted to shout it to them.

After my psychological reflections in my bed, I was finally in the shower checking all the parts of my body. I waxed myself last night but sometimes I missed some spots. I swear to you that if she doesn't compliment me at least once that my pussy is sweet as honey, I'll sit on her face so she can choke.

Putting on the washcloth, I gently rubbed in a circle on my shoulders and chest. I put a few drops of oil on the body to soften my skin and make it shiny. After finishing my treatment, I spent more than an hour choosing my clothes. That's why I woke up early. Moreover, choosing your clothes was an art. The way you dress already show your intentions. So it wouldn't be difficult for her to figure out that I wanted her to fuck me, and after that giving me good grades.

Satisfied with the result, I ended up applying my Gucci lipstick that I had offered myself a few days ago. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself.

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