Chapter 9. Ive got you ❗️

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Holy Mother Teresa! It was really happening. After three weeks of preparing a plan, I had finally succeeded. But I had waited far too long for me to clear my mind and focused on this goddess who was touching, massaging, and grabbing my ass wildly as I had always imagined she would do to me. Her growls sent an electric jolt to my body to my pussy that let a precum which slightly wet my panties.

She was driving me crazy!

Our lips never broke loose for more than five seconds. We both wanted to explore each other's bodies but we were also too addictive to taste ourselves when our tongues were intertwined and fighting to dominate. It was an intense and passionate kiss, no doubt.

"Ugh Professor... let's continue in my bedroom..." I stuttered. It was not easy to talk when she was kissing my neck, biting and sucking my sensitive skin, causing a pleasant feeling.

"Not so fast, Miss Pham. Let me tease you for a while... that's my revenge for what you are doing since our first lesson," strict and severe, she still hadn't set aside her role as a teacher and I loved it. As I was wearing shorts, my ass was already half exposed because I had been careful to take the shortest shorts from my wardrobe. It allowed her to tuck it up from the bottom up, exposing my ass out. The part between my legs jolted, stimulating my sex since the shorts had also pulled up my panties and was pushed between my pussy's slits.

"Aaah fuck..." I had no other words but to curse so much that the feeling was crazy. Moreover, I hadn't had sex for centuries, so I was more sensitive even to the slightest touch.

"Already giving up, Pham? You haven't seen my surprise yet, I hope you can hold on," she whispered in my ear. Her warm breath lingered on my face.

"Never," I was quick to react this time. If she thought a girl like me would be easily intimidated, she hadn't seen everything yet. But I was honestly intrigued by what she had in store for me later.

"You're so full of yourself but it won't last long," a terrifying gleam flashed in her eyes that I had chills, but strangely enough, it made me even more aroused.

"Try me," I was clearly challenging her, which probably destabilized her for a second. I took off my sweatshirt by throwing it over my head, sending it somewhere in the house. My body was on fire even though it was a little cold in the room. My breathing became uneven and my chest rose and fell quickly. But I wasn't the only one affected - which was a good sign - Ms. Kim first gave sweet kisses all over my chest probably letting huge hickeys as she traveled along the valley of my breasts. Arching my back, telling her that I want more.

"You do realise that putting an innocent look doesn't suit you. Look at you, being naughty with your lingerie," she shook her head doing a fake disappointment. Trying to ease the good pain my pussy was feeling, I kept rubbing up against her, many times I had stopped because I realised that something was growing under her pants.

Thinking at first that it was the shape of the crotch of her pants, I very quickly excluded this option because it grew bigger and hardened.

Don't tell me she was fucking wearing a high tech strap-on.

"And you do realise that pretending to be the good professor doesn't suit you," I traced a finger along her clenched jaw. My tongue licked her lower lip before forcing her to open her mouth trapping her tongue. I slowly sucked making her suffer but I wasn't sure if she was the one being punished or me. I was pissed that she could still keep her calm while the others would have already taken me from behind.

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