The summon

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"Prince Albert. Prince Albert!" A maid called knocking on the Prince's bed chamber door.
The door creaks open. There is a young man in his sixteens with his golden blonde hair in a low ponytail that a thick blue band is being used to keep the ponytail intact. His green-hazel eyes show sweetness and kindness.
"Whatever could you need me for Bonnie?" He says calmly.
"The king, ehm, your father has summoned you to the lounge at this present time." The maid says.
"Oh, well, this doesn't happen every day now. Tell him I'll be there shortly." He says
"Certainly Prince Albert," She says as she dashes off down the hall.
Albert similes as he sees her working so hard. Not everyone nowadays works like bonnie. He grabs his leather massager bag that has his books and journal before strutting off down the hall towards the lounge.


Prince Albert approaches the door to the lounge, wondering what his father could possibly summon him for. It wasn't every day he got summoned for something.

He creaks open the door before walking in. He sees his father and his mother sitting on one of the parallel sofas and on the opposite sofa, a tall man with long black hair, pale fine skin, and dark brown eyes that peirce the air and not to forget the long pointy ears.
Albert swallows his saliva as he enters the room.
"There he is. Come in Albert, my boy. " Albert's father king Walter says cheerfully as Albert enters the room.
"Alzef, this is my oldest child, Albert," King Walter says,
" Albert, this is King Alzef of Elventroph. He's an old friend of your old man. "
"Why hello Albert, as your father said, I am Alzef." The tall, long-haired man says as he extends his hand out.
Albert shakes his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alzef."
Alzef releases Albert's hand from the shake. Albert sits down next to his father.

"My, my look how big you're gotten in such a short time," Alzef says.
"You haven't seen him since he was a newborn, but I suppose that period of time is quite short for elves like you," Walter says,
"Say your son was born before me but apparently is still quite young in Elvish years."
"That is quite true he is about the same mental and physical as your son," Alzef says, "I did bring he along too he is right-" Alzef turns around and sees nothing" it seems he ran off"
"Reminds me of you when we first met," Walter says.
The two men giggle a little bit before going serious.
"How disrespectful of him though he left you and didn't say anything," Albert says.
" it's fine, I don't mind," Alzef says.
"I'm going to go find him and teach him some manners." Albert says as he stands up.
"No, really, it's fine," Alzef says
Albert marches to the door and closes it on his way out.
"That boy must always do the right thing," Albert's mother says.

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