Chapter 19 ~ I need you ~

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🔞 ~ mature content ahead ~ 🔞

Niran couldn't help but growl as he tasted the sweetness of Anurak's kisses, he had waited so long, so very long and like a parched soul he savoured the first sips knowing that his thirst would soon be quenched at least for a little while.

He remembered the very first time he had seen Anurak in the airport and the pull he had felt, he didn't want to think about the disappointment he had experienced soon after so his mind quickly skipped that part until he remembered the day he had kissed him astride his bench press making a mental note to get his gym equipment set up as quickly as possible.

He was so hard just thinking of the things he had imagined doing to his precious angel and the things he was planning to do all night long. Their mouths mashed against each other clumsily and Anurak moaned as Niran swiped his tongue firmly against his lips to gain access.

Once inside, Nirans tongue explored the moist recesses as his fingers began to undress his pretty angel, first his jacket and then his tie and when his shirt buttons proved too annoying Niran fisted both plackets and tore the shirt open while growling in frustration causing Anurak to gasp.

His oral assault continued as he removed his own jacket and tie before tearing away his own shirt in his haste to free them both of the confines of their clothing. 

He kicked off his shoes as he unbuckled Anurak's belt then unfastened his pants and let them fall to the ground, he could sense Rak stepping out of them while he blindly used one foot to step on the toe of his sock before pulling his other foot free before repeating the action to get the other one off and then his own pants followed.

Anurak had reached down to slip his socks off and when they were both completely naked, Niran managed to drag his mouth away from Anurak long enough to admire his pale and slender form while Rak blatantly ogled his own powerful physique, his muscles rippling beneath his angels gaze.

They both looked their fill as they panted from their previous exertions until Niran growled and pulled Anurak gently into the shower then he turned on the water which was preset to a comfortable thirty eight degrees.

Nirans kisses resumed as they stood beneath the modern rain shower as the warm water gently cascaded down onto their bodies from the four illuminated heads which were set into the ceiling of the shower.

Niran ran his hands all over Anuraks back as their kisses became more ardent, his right hand slipping lower to cup Rak's bottom pulling him closer until they ground against each other. The stimulation was not enough. Niran brought his hand around to the front and slipped it between their bodies before grasping both of their members making Anurak moan loudly and throw his head back.

"kiss me baby" Niran moaned as he pumped their lengths slowly and when their lips reconnected his thrust his tongue inside once more as he continued to bring them closer to their release.

"Niran" Anurak cried out.

"let it happen baby" Niran replied as his hand sped up, their feelings intensifying as Niran continued to alternate between licking and nipping his lips and thrusting his tongue inside Anurak's velvety soft mouth.

The kissing stopped when neither of them could no longer concentrate on the action, their open mouths rested against each other as they gasped, breathing each other in and Niran continued to bring them both to completion.

"Niran" Anurak screamed as he came, his seed mixing with Niran's as he growled his own release before slowing his hand and taking Anuraks lips once more.

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