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okay, fun asti stuff! yay.

asti was born in a rural town in china, though her dad is an important businessman and they moved to america for said business when she was young.
asti was antisocial as a kid, never playing with toys, never making friends. she just thought it wasnt worth it really since friends seemed draining.
her mother was concerned about her.

asti made friends eventually, she became best friends with rhea and really did enjoy their time together at some point, but it got so draining to maintain that type of relationship, and it got worse when rhea confessed to asti.
unlike what i said previously, asti wasnt mean or anything like that, they were both socially inept teenagers from foreign countries, they related to each other and they were genuinely best friends.

rhea always tried to be understanding but because of their dependency on asti, they struggled to give him the space that he desperately needed.
he tried not to hold it against them but it made their relationship rocky.
asti also didn't know how to set clear boundries due to her parents relationship being similar, her mother couldnt set boundries with her father and so he was usually not home and not helping with taking care of asti.
so half absent.

asti wanted to maintain her friendships, mainly with rhea, since it was very important to her.
rhea never judged her, despite her eccentric and downright violent thoughts and her strange, reclusive, judgemental personality.

in highschool, everything became too draining and asti started to become downright miserable.
she wanted to leave and escape.

she also had her first kiss!! guess with who ^_^ (insert moon joke (rhea))

after highschool, she was finally done with everything. her parents started arguing when she was a sophmore and she wasnt sure why they werent already going through divorce proceedings.

she moved to slovenia, and surprisingly rhea followed.
rhea really valued her family, unlike asti.

so moving away just to be with asti was a little surprising to her.

she made more friends, had some failed friendships, and at some point realized she couldn't handle maintaining a relationship.
she wanted to be with rhea, at some level— yes, but she knew that she couldn't handle maintaining a relationship, ever really.
so they only really did normal toxic yuri stuff and made out and hooked up

rhea was disappointed to say the least— devastated to say more.
but they werent aromantic in any way, so they also wouldn't suggest platonic partnership because it just wouldnt be enough for them, they thought they were selfish for it.

astis not exactly aromantic, she just. cant handle a romantic relationship and she struggles to feel romantic attraction.
so shes somewhere on that spectrum yay

after meeting odd, statio, andro and the rest, she started to actually form deeper bonds with more people than just rhea.

rhea ended up moving on and finding helios.

helios and astis relationship was. off.
neither liked each other, rhea tried not to mention asti much since they were worried they'd seem too obsessive over them, so asti seemed almost unknown to helios.
asti wasn't fond of helios being there, not that she thought they were necessarily bad for rhea, it was more of a jealousy thing (not of him being with rhea,), helios was everything asti wasn't.
he was ambitious, he was friendly, cool, expressive, funny, easy to talk to and just be with, lovable and had many deep bonds with others.
he didn't let his mental issues or his physical disabilities stop him too much, he was hard working, etc.
obviously he had his own flaws, a lot of them (like LITERAL DRUG ADDICTION. NOT SMOKING, I MEAN LITERAL COCAINE AND METH AND LSD AND SHIT.)
but asti only saw him in this 'oh, hes just there to be what i could never be.'
she always felt sour around helios, and sure maybe .. just perhaps they were also a tiny bit jealous of the fact that he could easily, almost effortlessly, develop a healthy romantic relationship with rhea, but that wasnt the main issue.

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