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AN: Pease remember to vote it would help me know you like the story <3

"so were do we start" Tom asked sitting at your desk and putting his feet on it, "first with algebra then we can do index form multiplication?" you say pushing his feet of your desk and on the floor with a hair flick and sit down next to him "so here is the formular and-" you get cut off by fuckboy holland starring into your eyes "Tom can you just focus?" you ask and he just smirks "i am.. on you?" he said back and you sigh and put your head in your hands "fuck Tom can you stop flirting with me before i slap you?" you ask really annoyed at him being suck a flirt , he sighed back at you and looked at the book "ok !!ok!! im sorry just explain it then?" he said moaning like a teenage boy.

After an hour of tutoring him you start to feel his hand creeping up your inner thy, you thought about  you hated tom and you hated how much of a fuckboy he was but it felt good? i mean you were so much of a nerd you haven't felt the affection in a while... waitt no snap out of it (y/n)!!!, you get up and push him away "ok Tom enough !! get out! im not going to tutor you if you treat me like one of you one night stands ok??" you say whilst rushing to the door and chucking his bag and coat out of it into the hall.

you here distant footsteps down the hall and you look and see Harrison running up to you "Wait (y/n) what's happening why are you chucking Tom's things into the hall??" he asked rushing to see what was happening , "well he was flirting then tried to make a move via my inner thy??" you reply tilting your head with a sarcastic annoyed tone, then you see Tom rushing to you and Harry "Bro please tell (y/n) to just forget it and keep tutoring me?" he asked harry , "no harry tell tom to stop treating me like a slut!?? oh and also how was your date?" you ask distracted because you still cared for Harry even if his brother was a dick , Harry chuckled and replied "Tom she did warn you so..... no? she doesn't  need help? and (y/n) it was amazing! thanks for telling me about what she liked it was so helpful!!" you laugh at tom "ha!!" because even his brother agreed on you not needing to help .. Tom frowned and then got on a knee and began to beg???, "please (y/n) !! please!! i can't fail otherwise they will kick me off my scholarship? ill do anything?" you look at him and ask "anything?" and he nods "ok then... prove it? if i can trust you will do anything go.. and wear my lingerie for a hole day hu? i bet you will love the lack of support on your tiny dick?" tom sighs and looks at you then looks down at his crotch and then back at you ... "fine (y/n) i will wear your tight as uncomfy lingerie?" he said with a pained face , "ok ill go get my most lacy and uncomfortable panties as possible? and don't you dare cum in them or you will be killed?!!" you say handing him your panties, he goes into Harry's room and puts them on walking back out limping a bit .. "you know (y/n) if i wasn't wearing this and you were i would be turned on? its kinda sexy?" he said smirking at you, you just punch is shoulder and you hear him whimper a bit "that's what i though now leave and i will see you and my underwear tomorrow after lessons?" you say as you watch him leave limping at the pain of your undies.

~~~time skip 

The next day you go though lessons seeing Tom correcting his bulge in his trousers repeatedly from the pain of your lingerie and you just laugh to yourself, at the end of your school day you see Tommy come towards you, "you enjoying the trust test?" you ask smiling sarcastically, "you know (y/n) i really am you know? i could wear them for the rest of the day!" he replied also sarcastically, "ok meet me at my dorm and ill tutor you ?!! you've proved yourself but no flirting ok?" you say and he nods , "i can't wait! but i can't promise no flirting because your to pretty?" you fake gag and walk away feeling like an object that he just wanted to use? but also you felt kind of flattered because ... he was kinda hot.. shit no (y/n) he isn't... wait do i have a crush?? your brain was going crazy and you  begin to feel really dizzy, you get to your dorm and fall on your bed exhausted from your thoughts you go to your wardrobe and pick out your some loungewear including your favourite navy and white flowery shorts and a matching top.

 wait do i have a crush?? your brain was going crazy and you  begin to feel really dizzy, you get to your dorm and fall on your bed exhausted from your thoughts you go to your wardrobe and pick out your some loungewear including your favourite nav...

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I knock on the door and hear (y/n) walking towards it, when she opened it i saw her in her pj's , i know its not sexy in pyjamas but her shorts were so short they were like underwear and her top showed her cleavage perfectly, "um hi? you ready" she asked walking you in , "yeah i am.. oh and hear is your pants?" you hand them to (y/n) and then continue speaking "you know you were evil for making me wear them .. you should see the marks they left it hurt so fucking bad!!" you say smiling and hear her let out a small chuckle then frown trying not to hide her smile, but you noticed.

Later on you were getting taught a new algebraic method but you see that (y/n) is getting tiered. You look in her eyes and put a strand of hair behind her ear, "you know you can just go to sleep and i can leave?" she smiles "no lets just continue" she said trying not to fall asleep. After about five minutes later you hear light snoring and you turn and see (y/n) asleep on her chair and you thought about how fucking adorable she was asleep , you then pick her up bridal trying not to wake her up and lay her on her bed , you put a blanket over her and grab you coat and begin walking out your her room. When you got to her door you heard light moaning coming out of her pretty lips "omg tommy stop it! omg your so big!!" you heard her  her moaning quietly and you get shocked, was (y/n),(y/l/n) having a sex dream about me?? the woman that has a hatred for me? the (y/n) who's my brothers best friend... the girl who is the hottest on the hole campus???????? you giggle to yourself in excitement and decide to record her moaning your name in her sleep... when you finished you left the room and turned of her lights and went to your dorm and fell asleep not stopping thinking about how (y/n) may have a crush on you and you may to.......

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