On this story you are in collage and you are besties with Harry holland, you hang out every day and night together. His brother Tom is a classic fuckboy and you don't care for him but harry forces you to tutor him as a favour. As your lessons go on...
//AN: I am sorry for not posting yesterday im just swamped with school! also im sorry if their are any spelling mistakes im dyslexic :)
I woke up with a fuzzy feeling in my heart , i leaned over to my dresser and pulled out my phone scrolling threw tik tok as one should and remembered about what i saw doing today 'shit i got to get ready!' I started to get up then felt my phone vibrate and saw a message from Tom.
TOM: heyyy u going to be ready by 9:50? remember your bikini <3
YOU: okii yeah ill get ready now.
TOM: see you soon .
You giggle and begin to get butterflies but get slightly scared about wearing a bikini because you felt a bit self conscious ,you get into in and look in the mirror remembering what Tom said 'You look pretty?' you smile and put on a knit sweater over your suit and went to the door waiting for Tom. You feel a hand on your shoulder and you turn around an punch who ever it was.. "SHIT (Y/N)!!" you hear harry yelling and holding his dick as he fell to the floor, "OMGG HARRY im so sorry!!! you scared me?" you say giggling a bit , "i didn't think a girl could punch that hard?" Harry responded getting up with a slight limp.
5 minutes later you both hear a knock and you rush to the door fixing your hair and you open it to see Tom "uh..hi ?" you say looking at him just in his trunks, 'Jesus why is he so hot? how does he have a 12 pack ? is that even possible..' you think ass your eyes drift looking him up and down. "hiii.. you and Harry ready to go?" he asked breaking your trance "yeah once (y/n) stops checking you out?" Harry said getting up and giggling, "i wasn't... im not?" you say stuttering at them laughing and you just blush and walk to Tom's car.
I couldn't help to look at (y/n) in her bikini and im glad Harry said she was checking me out otherwise she would have seen me looking at her.. 'i mean he was joking about her right?'... We sit in the car singing umbrella by Rianna till we get to the charity run' not going to lie but the only reason im doing it is to see (y/n) half naked? but yeah the charity to?..' you giggle and hold her hand as you walk over to the starting line and see the sign 'take a shot before you run!' you sigh and look over at harry and (y/n) "sorry guys i didn't know it was a drunk run?" you said sighing , "its ok i can't be a nerd all week i need a break from studies" (y/n) said as she took a shot and downed it "shit (y/n) what's gotten into you?" Harry said as he look his shot and you all started laughing.
After a few minutes of waiting around you heard the count down starting "3" "2" "1"!!!! You begin running and bouncing on the water structure with water flying everywhere , you begin to climb the first obstacle and you pulled yourself up it flexing a bit so (y/n) would see.. after a couple miles you begin to slow down and you hear (y/n) "Hey TOMM!!! can you come get me?" she said panting and you laugh going towards her "so your really that nerdy you don't know how tor run?" you joke looking at her , "shut up !!! just carry me? Pleaseeee!!"(y/n) moaned with puppy eyes. you nod at her laughing and began to carry her bridal with her laughing and sighing with relief "your a life saver TOM!!!!!" she said with her hair on your shoulder.
After getting to the finish you see harry getting a award "shit did my little bro just win against me?" you say shocked and he nods patting you on the back "yeah i overtook you when you were letting (y/n) hump you?" he said laughing and (y/n) became bright red "hey harry he was carried me and at least he helped me ?" (y/n) said slapping his chest .
~~~~time skip to getting back to the dorms
"thanks tom for inviting us out! it was so fun" you say smiling as you enter you and Harry's dorm, Tom leans against you apartments door frame flexing a bit and replied "its ok? i had lots of time carrying you!!" you chuckle and hug him goodbye and felt his hot breath on your ear and your feelings for him grew crushing your thoughts 'why is he so hot? is he thinking about me right now? is this hug taking to long?' you thought pulling away reluctantly not wanting it to be awkward . "so ... see you tomorrow? for tutoring?" you ask him . "yeah sure! i can't wait!!" he replied giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving and a blush creeps onto your face as you turn to Harry and fall on the couch.
"i know you like tom?" Harry said crossing his arms
"what .. nooo never? not that fuckboy?" you lied but sounded sarcastic
"sure (y/n) you really don't like him!!! and that means you don't care he has a huge crush on you?" he said giggling
"he has a .. crush on me?" you said excitedly
"yes!!! now your getting it. and also he is giving up the fuckboy lifestyle for you? i mean he didn't get sucked off today or have sex?" he said smirking
"true.... anyways im going to go to bed and definitely not think about your stupid brother?" you said sarcastically
"ok night lover girl!" Harry said teasing you
You walk in your room and get into your pyjamas and lie on bed thinking about what harry said then you got a snap... it was Tom
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TOM: HEYY (y/n) i was wondering what i should bring tm? like any snacks?
YOU: Um im not sure? what ever you want
TOM: okii <3 also sorry for the shirtless pick but i sleep naked? not trying to be awkward
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YOU: Its ok i sleep in my pyjamas
You get of your phone blushing and take a screen shot of him shirtless ... 'you knew it would say you saved it but you didn't care? you wanted him to know you were interested but not to much because he is still a bit of a dick?' you look at it then fall asleep dreaming of him.