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3 Years Ago

A banging at her door awoke from her sleep. Cassie lay there for a moment, thinking that it had just been from her dream, but then another round of banging occurred. She grabbed for her phone; it was 9am, on her day off. She groaned as she swung her legs out of the bed, getting up and grabbing her dressing gown from the chair where she'd left it the night before.
Making her way downstairs as the banging continued, "Alright, alright. I'm coming." She called out loudly.
She went round to her front door, unlocking it and opening it. She froze as she saw the 2 police officers standing in front of her. Her brain is going crazy about why they were here. Who was hurt? Or was it just for some witness statement for a situation she was unaware of?
"Are you Miss Cassiopeia Holloway?" One officer asked her.
She nodded her response, not trusting her own voice right now.
"May we come in? We have some sensitive information for you." The second officer questioned.
She did her best to shake herself out of this, "Oh, erm, yeah. Sure." She replied, stepping aside to let them in.
"You may want to sit down." The words hit her hard. She'd seen plenty of shows and read plenty of books to know what those meant.
She followed their suggestion, sitting in her armchair as she looked up at them. "Who?" Was all she asked of them.
The two officers stepped further into the room, one perching on the corner of her sofa closest to her.
"I am sorry to inform you, but your parents, Mr Adam Holloway and Mrs Jenny Holloway, were involved in a fatal car accident last night." The officer spoke to her in a soft voice, watching her reaction as she sat there feeling numb.
How could this be true? She had seen them just yesterday, they had been laughing and joking as they spent their lunch together before her parents headed off for their month long road trip in Northumbria.
"I know this must be a lot to take in. We will send someone from the family liaison division over to you later today, but is there someone you could call so that you aren't alone?" It was obvious that they were used to this type of conversation.
She nodded, "My... my best friend." She stuttered slightly as the information was properly sinking in. She'd never see her parents again, never eat her mother's lasagne, never hear her dad's famous jokes. Ever again.
The police officers finally left her after she'd made a short phone call to Rosie, her best friend. She was on her way, and shouldn't be too long.
Once her door shut, she sunk to the floor, silent tears streaming down her face. This was where her best friend would find her. 

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