Chapter 2

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Cassie woke up Saturday at 11am, it was late for her but they'd all stayed at the pub late talking about lots of things. She grabbed her phone from her side table, looking for any notifications to see she had a text from her best friend Rosie.
'Hey, dinner at mine tonight? Want to talk about your first week at Ignite.'
She smiled as she read it before responding.
'Hiya, sure. Sounds like a plan. I'll be over around 7.'
She put her phone down before getting out of bed, getting dressed for the day in some gym leggings and a baggy top.
She spent most of her day doing house work, catching up on the washing she'd not had the time to do in the week. Cassie opened her fridge to see she needed to do a shop as she was running low on food. Making her way to her sofa, she sat down, turning the TV on and pulling up Netflix and searching for something to watch as she still had time to kill before going to Rosie's. As she flicked through the shows, she finally settled on a rom com she hadn't watched before, Players. Before hitting play she got up and made herself a coffee before sitting back down to watch the film.
She enjoyed it, finding plenty of laughs and the twist that she kind of saw from the start but wasn't sure if it would happen made her finish it happy. She looked at her phone to check the time and saw a few notifications on the screen, unlocking her phone to check them, mainly Instagram. Felicity had posted a group photo from the previous night tagging them all in it, so the main ones were comments on that from the rest of them, but then two stood out to her more, Haydn_Goudier72 and Ollie_84 had followed her, the verified ticks proved to her that they were the real accounts, she had a little giddy feeling until she realised they were most likely run by some of the social media team and they had realised she worked there and so gave her a follow. She returned the follow before actually paying attention to the time, 6:30pm, shoot, she needed to leave if she was going to be at Rosie's on time. 

                                                                                              * * *

She was walking through her best friend's door, after knocking, just as it hit 7:15pm, "Hey Rosie!" She called out as she shut the door behind her.
"Cassie girl, get in here." Was the response she received. Laughing lightly as she removed her coat and shoes walking towards her friend's living room, she found her red headed best friend sat on her sofa, a glass of wine in her hands with a bottle and empty glass on the coffee table waiting, "Help yourself." She said with a smile nodding towards it. Sitting down and pouring herself a glass she turned to Rosie.
"So, how was your week?" She asked before taking a sip.
"The usual, you know all the big shot lawyers stick their noses up at us "young'uns"" She laughed, "But enough about that, how was your week? You haven't really said much in our texts." Cassie sighed as she took another sip.
"It's actually really amazing, I won't say it's my dream job until the season gets underway and I feel the same though." She responded.
"And how are they?" She asked with a cheeky look on her face.
"They?" She questioned her friend as she made herself more comfortable, her legs folding under her body.
"Hadyn and Ollie of course!" Rosie said excitedly.
The blonde rolled her eyes slightly before responding, "Well I haven't seen Hadyn since the first day," She shrugged, "Ollie seems nice, I only met him yesterday though, just to get started on the, sort of, partnership." She added before drinking some more.
They spent the rest of the evening chatting, a little about work, and then everything else. They'd paused part way through to order some pizza. By 11pm Cassie decided it was time to go home. She'd stood up getting her shoes and then coat on, "This was a nice little catch up," She smiled softly as she picked her bag up.
"Of course, I'll be sad when our weekly hang outs have to cease though." She responded with a sad smile, knowing that once the F1 season started Cassie would be travelling with Ignite across the world.
"I know, but we'll just have to put time aside for a Facetime and then meet up when I'm home." She replied as she started to make her way to the door, Rosie walking her out.
"Well, we just have to make sure that we can see each other before you head out to Bahrain at least." She said as she opened the door for her friend, reaching to give her a hug before Cassie left.  

                                                                                              * * *

Once she was home, her mind was on what she needed to do the next day, shopping was a must, possibly some meal planning for the week ahead as well, and then she needed to prepare herself for her second week at work. There was a lot to do, considering there was less than a month before the pre-season testing, and from then on she'd be home sparingly for a while.
Her Sunday was actually pretty busy, first making a shopping list and heading out to the local supermarket to actually get it. She actually hated grocery shopping, she was terrible at keeping it to just what she needed, and so her car boot ended up pretty full with all the snacks included. When she got home she put everything in its proper place, throwing out some things from her last shop that were probably not the safest to consume anymore. After this, she went through what she had brought to plan her meals for the week, taking some extra time to marinate some chicken to make a curry. She enjoyed cooking, it was one of the things she was going to miss whilst she was travelling with Ignite, she mentally took a note to make sure she would definitely do some proper cooking anytime she was home, even if she was tired.
After that was all done she made her way to her desk, opening her laptop to get one with some prep work for the week, going through her emails to clear them out, finding one that had the itinerary for Bahrain. They were definitely organised, she smiled at that, it helped her to be prepared reading through it to familiarise herself with everything that would be happening during that week. Of course, some of the planned interviews may change, and there's always a chance for unplanned ones as well, especially with all the media that will be there.
They also had some team video ideas for the season, and had asked for more if anyone had them, this was in the back of her mind as she closed her laptop, to go back to finishing her curry. Once she had finished eating she decided to sit on the sofa and watch something on TV to wind down for the night. 

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