the move in and movie (tw! $h)

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"alright everyone listen up we have a new member joining us today welcome Sasha" Tony says as he walks in the living room

I'm nervous as I walked in the living room.  Hi I'm Sasha I have powers and I have the power to control fire. "H-hi everyone" I said nervously. "Hi I'm nat this is Wanda Pietro bucky Sam peter Steve Thor Clint and Loki" nat says with excitement. Everyone says hey to me and I feel welcomed. Except when Loki gives me a glare.
"Alright kid let me show you to your room" Tony says and starts to walk up the stairs.

I thank Tony and walk in my room. I set my stuff down on the bed. I start to unpack. I pull out my box of razors from my bag and walk into the bathroom to hide them. I look in the mirror and think.  I'm so ugly. They all looked at me weird. Why do I try to stay sober it never works. I grab my phone and get the razor thats in the case out of it. I make five cuts.

After I cleaned up I put on my hoodie and sweats and go downstairs. "Oh hey Sasha we're just watching a movie wanna join?" Wanda says sweetly. " Yes sure " I say and go to sit down. The only seat available is the one right next to Loki. Great.

As I sit down he says nothing.  Why is he so cold. Why does he have no emotion. Is it me?. " Your thoughts are loud " he says in a whisper to me. "Wait how did you know what I was thinking " I whisper back confused. " I'm a god I have powers and I can read minds " he says with a smirk. "Oh I have powers to" I say kinda happy have someone to relate to. " Oh. I don't care" he says coldly. " Ok so no need to be an ass but if u do read my mind don't go far back." I say to him coldly also. " Don't call me and ass I'm a god your a mortal. But I shall respect what you asked" he says still cold.  "Thank you" I say with appreciation.

" So what brought u here like how did you get here " I ask him. "Well I tried to destroy new York. Thor and Odin thought it would be good if I came here for rehabilitation" he says with a sigh. " Oh damn" I say surprised.

A while later I go to move my position and I accidentally hit my arm on the couch. "Ow" I say quietly. Remembering that's the arm I cut. " Are you okay" Loki asks a little worry in his voice. "Yea I'm fine" I say trying to get him to believe me. " Ok" he says not believing me but I thought he did.

As I'm watching the movie I can't help but think how close Loki is. What am I thinking he doesn't like me. Do I like him?

A few minutes later he gets up to go make popcorn for everyone. He comes back and sits down and ask me if I want any. "Sure I'll take a little" I say and go to grab some. After I've eaten half of my bowl I start to regret it. Why do I eat so much. I'm so fat. Why am I so big. I feel really guilty. I shouldn't eat a lot. I feel like I should grow up . I never should have ate that. I start to focus on the movie and no my thoughts. As the movie is going I notice Lokis face seems confused. "What's wrong" I ask concerned. " Oh nothing love" he says and turns back to the movie. I blush at him comment. I turn so he won't notice.

After the movie is over I say goodnight and go up stairs to my room. As I lay in bed waiting for sleep to come, I pray I don't have a nightmare. After a few I finally fall asleep.

Loki's pov:
I've had a peaceful few minutes of sleep before I was woke up by screaming....

Sorry lovelies
This is my first story so I will appreciate constructive criticism

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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