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Russo's POV:

I said to the competitors as when I opened eyes, Pinkleaf was gone, And also Bella. " Russo: wait wheres- " then he was on the other side with Bella as they waved, Russo ofc knew they were gonna work together as he teleports them back here. " Russo: you CANNOT help each other, except for Pgh, he literally has a broken arm. " As Russo said. Then Sketch spoke up " Sketch: I'm glad you haven't noticed. " " Russo: noticed what. " Then Russo looked around, after like, 2 seconds he realised " Russo: WHERE IS FLAMINGO. " As Flamingo immediately came in as he was just wearing the same clothes but dried up. " Russo: where have you BEEN. " " Flam: Changing clothes cuz Kreek pushed me in the pool. " " Kreek: ME?! WHY ARE YOU PUTTING THE BLAME ON ME??- ugh.. " " Russo: I don't give a crap. Anyways I'm giving Lego a partner since he was a broken arm. A- " " Leah: wait why does he get someone to help him but we do- " " Russo: HE GOT RAN OVER. Anyways Ominous help him get across the obstacles. " " Pgh: uhm sir I can do it by myself- it seems easy enough. " " Ominous: ... Uh oh... " " Russo: also, you only have 5 minutes to complete it. The timer starts... NOW. " As Russo disappears as we didn't question it and immediately started doing the test, Pinkleaf was way ahead of us, Bella has been taught some tricks as she knows what she's doing, TanqR and Kreek fighting and pushing each other back down to the floor, Jayingee trying to find some short cuts, Calixo and Think doing it normally, Denis using the tricks Pinkleaf taught him from his training back then, Flamingo trying to parkour up there, Pgh doing it PAINFULLY since his arm as in severe pain while he was parkouring up there.. and Ominous only fell sometimes as Leah fell everytime. Pgh saw Ominous struggling as he felt bad and jumped down for him.

As Ominous smiled and grabbed Pgh's hand as they both parkoured up there as they both managed to make it as almost everyone was up there, but Leah was at the last stage but then the time rang as it was " 00:00 " as Leah didn't make it

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As Ominous smiled and grabbed Pgh's hand as they both parkoured up there as they both managed to make it as almost everyone was up there, but Leah was at the last stage but then the time rang as it was " 00:00 " as Leah didn't make it. But then I said " Russo: YOUR TEST RESULTS WILL BE SHOWN TOMMOROW. " As they all sighed and think spoke up " Think: so uh, what do we do now guys? " As the speakers spoke up


As the speakers stopped speaking. So all of us thought, we should go to the pool. " TanqR: if we're goin' to the pool.. that means we're gon'- " then Kreek stops him " Kreek: TanqR, Flamingo didn't PEE in it. " Then all of us walked there. Some of us went to the changing room to change and go swimming in the pool, as Ominous said " Ominous: .. uhh, I'm not gonna go swimming today- I didn't bring my uh.. swim suit!- " while Leah was swimming, she said " Leah: all of us didn't, but there are 3 swimsuits in our lockers dummy. " As she went underwater as Ominous sighed. " Ominous: pls don't tell me I have to go in the pool with only shorts... "

( BTW, HAVE Y'ALL SEEN THAT ONE TWITTER POST OF OMINOUS. LIKE, WHEN HE WAS SHIRTLESS. YEAH- THAT ONE🥲- if you know here's some fries, chicken spaghetti and ice cream :D hehe🍨🍝🍟🍗 )

Then TanqR said " TanqR: ya don't have to, there's a fullbody swimsuit in all our drawers. " As Ominous was glad, then he said. " Ominous: hey Pgh wanna come with us? " " Pgh: ... Meh- not rlly. " " Ominous: it's not like we're gonna race- all of us know you have your broken arm- " as Pgh sighed and said " Pgh: I guess your right. Fine, I'll join. But if my Injury gets worse I'm blaming you for trying to make me swim with a broken arm. " " Ominous: alr alr, c'mon let's go now! " As they both went in the pool and we're having a great time. Ominous and Pgh were having a talk while swimming, Kreek and TanqR just Fighting each other and trying to drown each other, Leah, Bella and Pink just doing a swimming race, Flamingo, Jayingee and Denis just playing with water guns, and Calixo and Sketch were doing their own thing as they were all having tons of fun in the pool, Then Flamingo wanted to troll Pgh since he is still mad about Pgh hurting Denis as he swam under the water and near him. While trying not to get caught since the pool is like, 10ft deep. While Flamingo was trying to do that Pgh and Ominous were talking about how his suit that was finished yesterday was doing now. " Pgh: how's the suit we've made? " " Ominous: it looks stunning! I also loved the powers and it was very amazing! We both did such a good job on making it :D " " Pgh: heh- yea- AAA- " Then Flamingo pulled Pgh underwater as Ominous flinched but immediately tried get Pgh back up and away from flamingo, but Flamingo has already let him go as Pgh tried swimming back up with one hand but he was struggling, then Ominous just grabbed Pgh's arm. ( NOT HAND ) as he brought him to the surface. " Pgh: g-gh... *Cough cough* " " Ominous: a-are you ok?! Did you swallow some of the water?! " As Ominous asked concernly as Pgh said " Pgh: I'm fine I- *cough cough* I'm fine- I'll just stay here on the surface from now on... Flamingo's still mad about that face I hurt Denis even tho Denis forgives me... " " Ominous: just ignore him, he's a flamingo without any remorse to the ones that hurt his loved ones. " Then they all decided to go out of the pool and go to change as Pgh walked them over to the cafeteria as they began to eat their food.

Pinkleaf's POV:

While I was eating with Bella, The beatduo and the champion duo(Kreek and TanqR) the others were on the other table also eating as Bella spoke " Bella: I wonder how we did on the parkour test? " " Pink: I probably got an A+ due to the fact I am the master of toh. " " Kreek: probably like a C or a D lol- " " TanqOR: maybe I got a B? Idk? " " Pgh: I definitely got a C on the test probably- " " Ominous: ... I firstlllr rrrc fcrcdx dc thought it was probably gonna be a F+ because of how I fell sometime,s- but atleast Pgh helped me so it's probably D-? " " Pink: heh, yeah, I guess we can wait tommorow to see our test results- " " Pgh: heh.... I just hope none of us fails.... " " Bella: huh? And why is that? " " Pgh: nothing, nothing.. Im not giving uh... Spoilers... " As Pgh chuckled nervously as he didn't want any of us to die. But only time will tell.. as them the bell rang as it was time for Sabrina's Subject.


Hi. B here, IF YOU SAW THAT THIS WAS PUBLISHED EARLIER I DIDNT MEAN TO I ACCIDENTALLY PRESSED IT AND IT PUBLISHED- but uh yeah. I wonder who will die.. >:3 also here are the roles for the teachers/ Host's

Miss circle: SabrinaBrite
Miss Bloomie: DJMonopoly
Miss Thavel: RussoPlays/z idk. Anyways that is uh, it. Good bye :v

Word count: 1248

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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