Chapter 15 - Talk to him

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"Hiii!" Dustin smiled as Mike opened the door, noticing how smiley Mike seemed to be.

"Okay, Mike, tell me every thing. Is El okay? Did everything go well?" Lucas asked, pushing past Mike and just walking into his dorm.

"Wh- Okay, just come in then." Mike scoffed, letting Dustin in before shutting the door.

"Everything went well, yeah. She isn't mad at me or whatever, she was fine with everything." Mike shrugged.

"That's it? I was hoping she would like, give you a slap in the face or something. Someone needs to." Lucas scowled.

"If you really want me to I will." El giggled as she came out of Mike's room, very amused at their conversation.

"Please do-" Lucas began speaking before getting a small smack from Mike.

"Shut up, dickhead. Is Max coming over?" Mike scowled bed turning to Eleven.

"Yeah, she said she'd be here in a few minutes." El nodded.

It went silent for a moment, Lucas, El and Dustin all sharing a quick look. Mike looked between the three of them, unsure of what they were planning.

"There's someone who would love to talk to you." Dustin spoke in a sing-songy voice, hinting to Will's room.

Mike's cheeks turned bright red and he just scowled and made a small dismissive gesture with his hands, all three of them giggling at his now completely red face.

"Dude, you should go and talk to him!" Lucas urged.

"I can't. . . I'm scared!" He whined, the three of them glaring at him.

"Literally everybody knows you like each other. Stop being a scaredy cat and just go talk to him!" El scowled.

"No! I can't!" Mike shook his head, "He knows I like him now, how am I meant to even look at him anymore!?" He panicked.

"Well you can start by calming down." Lucas scoffed, "Just think for a moment, okay? You like him, he likes you, literally what could go wrong?" He asked.

"Um. . . He could say he doesn't actually like me and I would die of embarrassment?" Mike scowled, looking at them all as if it was common knowledge.

"I hate you sometimes. Go and talk to him. Ask him out on a date or something?" Dustin scowled.

Mike looked between the three of them before letting out a small irritated groan and walking over to Will's room, sticking his middle finger up at the three of them. He knocked nervously on Will's door, a small 'come in' being heard after a few seconds. He walked in to see Will still painting, Mike closing the door behind him and sitting down on the end of Will's bed.

"Um. . ." Mike murmured, very awkward.

"What's wrong? You seem very nervous." Will frowned, seeming genuinely concerned.

"That's probably because I am. . ." Mike sighed, his cheeks already bright red again.

"Why?" Will frowned.

". . .There's no way I'm repeating it again. I told you once today and that is more then enough." Mike scoffed, Will letting out a small giggle and turning around.

"I'm just teasing you, I know why you're nervous." Will smiled, Mike glaring over at him as he now realized what Will was doing.

"Wh- Well, do you- I wanna ask you something." Mike stammered.

"Go on." Will nodded.

"Um. . ." Mike hesitated, "Would you- Would you wanna go out on a date tomorrow. . ?" Mike murmured, his cheeks bright red.

"Yeah, of course." Will smiled, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

"Really?" Mike grinned, a huge weight lifting off his shoulders.

"Of course. I do really like you, Mike." Will chuckled softly.

"I really like you too." Mike smiled, now feeling slightly shy as he looked down at his hands, "I don't even have your number, can I- can I have it?" He asked.

Will paused for a moment, Mike looking up at him nervously before Will let out a soft laugh and shook his head.

"Real smooth." He grinned, walking over and sitting down next to Mike, Mike quickly handing him his phone and letting Will put in his number.

"Who's the girl? She your sister?" Will asked, thinking she looked familiar.

"Yeah, she's the one wh-. . ." Mike trailed off, losing his train of thought as he looked at Will.

Will looked up at him, now realizing why Mike has trailed off. As he looked up he noticed how close their faces were.

"Will. . ." Mike murmured, his cheeks burning as he looked down at Will.

Will hesitated for a moment before gently cupping Mike's face, the two of them looking at each other for a moment before gently leaning in.

{Word Count: 768}

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