Chapter 5 - Kiera

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In the days that followed, I awoke from several more unsettlingly vivid dreams, most of which featured Remi as my prey. The nightmares weren't new, I'd been having them almost every night since I was attacked but only since I'd returned to the Manor had they began to include Remi in such a horrifying way.

Fortunately, Remi was either unfazed or unaware of my newfound weariness, which made sense since I'd tried my best to hide it and she wasn't exactly the type to pick up on the social distress of others unless it was completely obvious.

As a result, over the next several days we easily fell back into routines we'd established long before I'd left. We ran together in the mornings and spent the afternoons apart on various tasks and projects around the Manor. However, unlike before, we didn't spar again even though we'd both clearly enjoyed ourselves. I just couldn't risk losing control and Remi still appeared to be concerned with my physical wellbeing even when I insisted I was fine.

In the evenings I'd seek her out in the library or help her tend to the gardens in Edgar's absence. As usual, Remi always appeared mildly vexed when I interrupted her solitude, but she never explicitly told me to go away, and I often caught her smiling when she thought I wasn't looking. I suppose any normal person wouldn't go out of their way to spend time with someone who reacts so poorly to company, but if Remi's icy exterior had been enough to deter me then I would've given up on her ages ago.

Kell, for his part, had kept his distance, although I'd often spot him when I least expected it, his large yellow eyes trained on me and everything I did. In that way I never forgot he was watching, ensuring from afar that I didn't slip up. I was both thankful and unnerved by this and tried mostly to pretend he didn't exist.

Despite these relatively minor disturbances, my first few days back at Bancroft Manor were pleasant, easy, and blissfully uneventful; just how I liked it, although I knew it couldn't last forever. My life was rarely so perfect for long.

One evening, on the fourth day following my return, Remi sought me out in the garage. It was rare to see her there and I must have looked as surprised as I felt because she hurried to explain, so I wouldn't get the wrong idea and think she'd actually sought out my company.

"Miria sent me to let you know we have a meet set with O'Malley tonight at the Serpent's Fang." Remi explained, looking more annoyed than pleased about our first assignment despite clearly being impatient for one all week.

Milligan O'Malley is a special informant for the Society. He's also a leprechaun, although, he's decidedly the opposite of the green garbed, pot of gold toting sprites that lurk at the end of rainbows as popularized by cereal companies and folktales. In reality, Millie despises the colour green, resides in a normal flat in Cheltenham, and doesn't carry around any lucky charms. He does, however, have curly red hair, is obsessed with gold, and is quite the mischievous bastard when he wants to be, so I suppose the fairy tales aren't entirely wrong.

I rose from my workbench and put down my tools, brushing my hands off uselessly on my overalls. I smiled at Remi, "Great, I could go for a pint right about now. Just let me clean up and we can head out." I said gesturing to my grease-stained hands and clothes. She scrunched her nose in distaste.

"I'll never understand your fascination with these things." She stated, gingerly touching the handlebars of my Bonneville. "They're absolute death traps. I mean how do they even stay upright when you ride it?"

I snorted and walked over to her, "Oh Remi, it's all quite easy really. And they aren't very dangerous if you aren't a complete idiot. I'll take you for a ride sometime if-"

"Don't you dare touch me with your mucked up hands Maddox!" Remi caught my wrist and held it away from her narrowing her eyes at me in distaste. Apparently, I'd reached out to place a hand on her shoulder without much thought despite how filthy my hands were. Her dramatic aversion to the grime made me laugh heartily. Remi dropped my wrist and glared.

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