In a Room

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"Hey pretty girl" Derek Morgan walked towards Spencer who was packing up at her desk "Yeah Derek?"

"We're all going to dinner. Coming?" Derek offered. Spencer smiled, slinging her bag over her shoulder "I would but Peter is coming down to celebrate Malia's birthday with us today" The two walked towards the elevator "Isn't her birthday this weekend."

"It is but this is the only day we all can meet up so" Spencer shrugged. Derek sighed he was hoping that Spencer would join them but understands she has plans "Alright. Next time"

Before Spencer could say anything Derek was encased in a bright light "Derek!" Spencer yelled, reaching forward but he was already gone. She looked around before light filled her vision then everything went black


Malia slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was that she was on the floor. The second thing she noticed was that she wasn't alone, turning her head to the left she saw her dad and cousins in the same position as her

"Dad. Derek. Cora. Wake up" Malia crawled over to her family "Come on wake up" Peter was the first to wake followed by Cora and Derek "Malia?" Derek looked at his cousin confused wondering why she was here

The last thing he remembered was saying bye to Eli as he was leaving for school now he's waking up in a random room with his family and what he could see his sister team and ex pack

"Yeah. It's me" Malia huffed helping him off the floor as Peter helped Cora "What's going on?" Cora asked, watching as the others started to wake up. Malia shrugged not knowing she only just woke up

Derek groaned as he opened his eyes wondering what happened, the last thing he remembered was Spencer yelling for him. Spencer "Spencer" He jolted up looking around for his girl

His team turned towards him when he screamed their youngest name. Hotch quickly got up looking around "Reid?!" Malia, Derek. H, Peter, Melissa and Cora turned towards them hearing Spencer last name

JJ, Emily, Rossi and Garcia got up and looked around noticing Spencer family and a random group

"Malia?" Everyone turned to the group. The Hales rolled their eyes at the McCall pack. Scott, Liam, Lydia, Mason, Corey and Kira stood together with Melissa standing a little away with- "Jackson? Issac?" Derek. H asked seeing his once betas there

"Derek" Isaac nodded seeing his old alpha before looking around "Where's Stiles?" He asked, noticing the girl wasn't there. The McCall stiffened up hearing their old friend name, Scott filling with guilt

"She will be here shortly"

The three groups turned around to see a man with blond hair and gold eyes standing in front of them, radiation so much power they felt a little overwhelmed by it

Scott was the one to speak up "Stiles? You know where she is?" He asked hopefully, he wanted to see his best friend, he needed to talk to her, tell her she was right about Theo all along

The Hales and his mother glared at the wolf making him shrink back, more so because of the glare of his mother "Yes child she will be here soon"

"And why are we here?" Hotch was the brave one to ask "Who are you?"

"I am Chronos. God of time" The humans blinked in disbelief, they know there's things out there that aren't humanly possible- Spencer having told them some things but kept most of it close to her heart- but Gods? They weren't sure they believed that

It seemed the Supernatural were on the same page as them since they looked at the man in front of them with a disbelieving gaze. The man seeing this laughed a little sending shivers down their backs

"Yes I am a God, little humans. As for why you are here? I have brought you here to watch the past and future of one of your own" His golden gaze swept over them "Spencer Reid" The team tensed wondering why a God would know their Girl Genius "And Stiles Stilinski" The McCall pack perked up hoping to finally talk to the girl while the Hales and Melissa tensed knowing the pack is going to find out the truth

"Who happen to be the same person"

That gave everyone who wasn't in the know a pause. Spencer Reid and Stiles Stilinski were the same person. The team turned to the Hales who they know have known Spencer since she was a teen "Is it true?"

Peter and Derek shared a look before the older of the two sighed "Yes" The McCall pack looked at them confused wondering how they knew about this but they didn't. Stiles is their pack!

Jackson and Isaac just stare at the group confused wondering what is happening and why would Stiles change her name?

"Wait" Lydia held out a hand turning to the Hales "You mean to tell me, you've known where Stiles is all this time and didn't tell us!" she demanded. Derek and Cora rolled their eyes at the girl while Malia and Peter glared at her

"Yeah, what of it?" Malia asked, raising a brow at her. Lydia scoffed, crossing her arms at her "What of it? We've been searching for Stiles for years and you four have known where she was and didn't tell us!"

"Of course we didn't tell you! Why would we tell a group of people who threw Stiles away for a guy you just met!" Malia raised her voice making the McCall pack flinch back "You didn't and still don't deserve to know anything about Spencer! Not after what your alpha, let happen!"

Scott looked down at the floor regret filling his body at the reminder of what happened to his best friend. He caused his sister to lose the only other person in her life because he wanted to believe a guy he knew from the fourth grade and not the girl who's been by his side since the beginning

Before the arguing could continue, Chronos stepped forward stopping them "As entertaining as this is, I believe we should bring Spencer here and start" With that Chronos snapped his fingers a bright light filled the room

When it dimmed, the pack, Hale and team saw Spencer Reid/ Stiles Stilinski standing there in tan dress pants, a cream short sleeve turtleneck and white converse

When it dimmed, the pack, Hale and team saw Spencer Reid/ Stiles Stilinski standing there in tan dress pants, a cream short sleeve turtleneck and white converse

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"What the hell?" Spencer muttered holding her head



Spencer heard voices call out. She froze when she heard her old name, slowly turning around to find her ex-pack, ex-friends standing there, smiling at her like what happened all those years ago never happened. Like they didn't completely break her trust

"Spencer" Derek Morgan was suddenly in front of her, pushing her hair out of her face "You okay?"

"Yeah" Spencer nodded, tearing her eyes away from her old pack and towards her favorite co-worker "I'm okay, but can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" she asked looking at her team, the Hales and Melissa nodding to Isaac and Jackson who nod back

Malia took a step towards her sister "Apparently we're going to be watching the past and present of your life"

Spencer blinked confused for a moment before the words set in "What!" She exclaimed making The Hales wince "Sorry" She lowered her voice "What do you mean watch my life?"

"A lot of things happen in the future" Chronos said, grabbing everyone's attention "Good things and bad things and it centers around you" He pointed to Spencer who gulped "The only way to stop it, is to show everyone your future. Your past is being shown to give everyone here more information on what you've been through. Now, everyone take a seat and we shall began" Chronos said not even giving Spencer a moment to disagree         

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