Stiles Stilinski is gone

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Once everyone was sitting down, the lights dimmed. Spencer looked at Malia who was sitting on her right "You okay?" Malia whispered, even if the other supernaturals could hear her, doesn't mean the humans can "No" Spencer sighed making Malia grab her hand

If Spencer is admitting she isn't okay, then you know she isn't. The only time Spencer admitted to not being okay was after she was kidnapped and drugged multiple times. Malia doesn't want to think of what could have happened to her sister if Spencer didn't come to her and admit she was struggling and felt the need to take drugs

"We're right here with you, Spence," Cora whispered, leaning forward. The Hales were surrounding her with Malia on her right, Derek on her left, with Peter and Cora sitting behind them. Next to Derek was Hotch, JJ, and Emily and next to Malia was Morgan, Rossi, Garcia and Melissa. The only people she wanted near her right now

The McCall pack was sitting together on the other side of Cora but Melissa made sure they were far enough away from Spencer so they wouldn't try to talk to her

Spencer looked back and smiled "Thank you" She whispered

Stiles packed up her room quickly, stuffing clothes into her bags as she sobbed

Spencer, Malia, Derek and Peter took a sharp inhale of breath. It seemed like they were starting from the day Malia and Spencer ran away "Why are you crying?" JJ asked looking at her friend worriedly

Spencer swallowed and looked at her friend giving her a soft smile "You'll see" Was the only thing she said

"What are you doing?" Stiles turned around to see Malia standing in her bedroom doorway

"What does it look like?" Stiles asked in between sobs as she continued packing. Malia looked between the bags on the bed and her friend "It looks like your leaving, but your not leaving" Malia moved towards the bed

"Yes I am" Stiles moved towards her bathroom. Malia looked at her friend before looking at the bedroom door "Derek, Peter! Stiles is leaving" She yelled.

"What!" Scott turned to the three Hales "You guys knew Stiles was leaving and didn't tell us! Tell me!" Scott yelled. Derek and Malia only scoffed rolling their eyes. Peter turned to him with a glare "Tell you? Why would we do that? And did you seriously never put together that Spencer and Malia left at the same time?" Peter asked emphasizing Spencer name

The McCall pack- except Liam who put it together a while ago- deflated back into their seats as Isaac and Jackson shared confused looks. What the hell was going on?

Suddenly the two were at the young Stilinski door "She's what?" Peter asked his daughter

Stiles chose that moment to walk out her bathroom with two small bags packed, no longer sobbing but tears still in her eyes "Leaving. I'm leaving and never returning" Stiles told the three Hales stuffing the two small bags into her big one before zipping it up and grabbing a duffle bag

"This town brings nothing but pain and suffering to everyone. I can't take it anymore" Stiles grabbed her laptop and tablet throwing it into the duffle and grabbed some books out of her shelf "I have lost everything now because of this town. Because of Scott and his need to trust people" She moved to grab a photo album on her desk along with a few picture frames "He just needed to trust Theo and look where that got him!"

Scott flinched from Stiles' tone. It wasn't his fault! How was he supposed to know they couldn't trust Theo, he didn't know Theo would kill the Sheriff

Melissa shook her head. She didn't understand why Scott trusted everyone without a second thought but couldn't trust his supposed best friend. Spencer was always right and the one time she needed him to trust her, he didn't. And it cost her everything that time

Guiding Light in the Darkness Teen Wolf/ Criminal Minds. Derek MorganWhere stories live. Discover now